LITERACY and READING Child Development
READING FACTS: Learning to read requires a combination of many SKILLS. A child’s success in learning to read is affected more by reading related experiences that a child has BEFORE entering school than the reading related experiences a child has AFTER he/she enters school. Children who are READ to REGULARLY are better readers.
Why Use Stories and Books? Literacy is the ability to READ and WRITE. Reading and writing are forms of COMMUNICATION. Why Use Stories and Books? To add and enrich children’s first hand ideas To foster social relationships To build concepts To develop an appreciation of books To present information To encourage verbal expression To call attention to the printed word To stimulate new ideas To help children learn that people read from left to right across the page
If a child can SEE other people read - they will learn that READING is IMPORTANT!
WHAT DO BOOKS TEACH? Grammar Alphabet Words Rhyming Concepts Relationships
ECONOMICAL WAYS TO GET BOOKS: Gifts Used Store Yard & Garage Sales Libraries Trade / Children out grow
(Pictures can be real, animated or sketched) TYPES of BOOKS: Board Books Picture Books Chapter Books (Pictures can be real, animated or sketched)
Why is literature important for children? Stimulates an interest in reading It is entertaining Broadens children’s experiences Teaches academic & social skills Moral development Stimulates imagination & creativity
What makes literature attractive to children? Bold Attractive Illustrations Repetition in sounds and phrases Stories about things they can relate to
What makes a good children’s book? Language at child’s level Interesting plot and characters – fun and exciting Avoids stereotypes Free from sexual bias and language
Story Telling
CHARACTERISTICS of a Good STORY TELLER: Voice - Change tone & pitch Facial Expression Eye Contact Speed - Slow Down Volume - Loud enough for whole group Speak Clearly
READ STORY BEFORE TELLING! Be FAMILIAR with story. Know VOCABULARY in story. Feel the FLOW of the story.
Tips for Reading to Children Group – choose large book so all can see Read slowly and as natural as possible Allow time for children to take in the pictures Incorporated voice inflection Allow children to interact with the book
C.R.O.W.S. C. Completion-Fill in the blanks/Rhyming Words R. Retell-Child tells story in own words O. Open-Ended-Child Responds “Tell me about…” W. Wh-?’s- What-When-Where-Who & Why questions S. Schema-Relate to the child’s life
Literature as a spring board to other activities Read the beginning of story and allow child to finish ending Show a picture to a child and write what they say Tell a story to a child & have them create illustrations Act our familiar stories Have a group of children create a story by each one telling one sentence – write down what they say & read to the group.
Goal of Literacy Help children develop language development!