One Billion Rising Insert Village, Organization, Activity, Year Here Solidarity Against Exploitation of Women Insert Village, Organization, Activity, Year Here
The HERstory of OBR One Billion Rising is a global campaign initiated in 2013 with an exclusive focus to stop violence against women. According to the United Nations data of 2012, one in three women will be sexually assaulted, in their lifetime. Thus, there are one billion women, who are facing either the threat of violence or experiencing violence in their lives.
The HERstory of OBR It is the most pervasive epidemic, globally. The question is society silent about such a crisis in women's lives. In order to address this issue, OBR was created as a response. In 2013, we rose with the theme of “STRIKE! DANCE! RISE!” In 2014, we rose for JUSTICE. In 2015, we rose for REVOLUTION, while in 2016, we escalated the call for REVOLUTION.
The HERstory of OBR For 2017, we rise to demonstrate our SOLIDARITY AGAINST THE EXPLOITATION OF WOMEN. As an extremely inclusive theme, it is set to explore the occurring HUMAN and ENVIRONMENTAL exploitation in our nation. OBR continues to gain momentum in India -- are we ready to RISE in SOLIDARITY against EXPLOITATION?
Exploited Communities A STAGGERING increase in emotional, physical, and sexual violence against women in India: OVER 2 MILLION CRIMES against women have been reported over the past decade, which translates to one crime occurring EVERY TWO MINUTES (NCRB)! The FORCIBLE removal of the rural and urban poor by the Indian government for the sake of so called development. The present SEVERE displacement of 21.3 million people (ISI, Delhi), as the tribal population forms MORE THAN 50 PERCENT of India’s internally displaced!
The constituencies that OBR 2017 will reach The sexually exploited – men, women, and children. Domestic laborers, garment workers, migrant workers. The constituencies that OBR 2017 will reach The Dalit and tribal community. Those affected by environmental negligence. The differently abled. Single women. Those with multiple sexual identities.
Solidarity is our Call! When people come together, power is handed back to the people, not to governments or institutions. There can be no REVOLUTION without SOLIDAITY.
RISE! The abuse of the planet and the commodification and dehumanization of women’s bodies in the service of profit is the most criminal act of abuse and power. The RISING continues as a demand to end ALL forms of exploitation of women and girls.
OBR – 2015
OBR - 2016
DISRUPT! EVE ENSLER Founder of OBR “...we must become disrupters. That is the power of creative resistance. Interrupting business as usual, taking stands that forfeit our acceptance or economic elevation, risking disapproval and controversy. Disrupters, fighting and dancing with all our might for life over comfort.” EVE ENSLER Founder of OBR DISRUPT!
SOLIDARITY IS A RADICAL CONNECTION! We cannot call for system change ALONE. Mindsets, structures, and policies cannot be changed without an unified front. SOLIDARITY IS A RADICAL CONNECTION!
Email OBRINDIA@GMAIL.COM with information or questions! We want YOU... To share your programming, through photos, videos, short reports, and more, to make your efforts VISIBLE on a global stage! Email OBRINDIA@GMAIL.COM with information or questions!