Aku & Ku
Aku & Ku Ku is a short form of Aku. Use it to refer to yourself in an informal or intimate context. Ku is used a lot in movie dialogue and in literature Aku and ku are not normally used in formal or semiformal occasions where saya would be more appropriate
Personal pronoun I Kulihat tak seorang pun yang berani berbicara. I saw that not a single person dared say a word.
Possessive Pronoun - my Rumahku – my house Hatiku tetap setia kepadamu. My heart is still faithful to you. Ini sepedaku This is my bike
Ku with passive Uang itu belum juga kuambil. I havent collected the money yet. (literally: The money has not yet been collected by me) Waktu setengah jam itu kugunakan untuk beristirahat. I used the half hour to rest. The half hour was used by me to rest.