1.1 Brainstorm 1.1 brainstorm Warm up Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) once said that without government, life would be but a “state of nature” and would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Describe what he meant by this statement and explain why governments are a necessity.
Groups Get into groups of 3-4 no more no less.
Warmup: Government is All Around Us Students will work in groups of 3-4 for this assignment Groups will have 15 minutes to explore the school and attempt to answer the question below (the question will be revealed to you in a few moments) One member of the group should be the designated photographer, and will use his/her cell phone to take photos to answer this question Where is the Government present in this building?
Do NOT, under any circumstance: Enter the auditorium, main gym, either locker room, or the varsity team rooms Enter the library, clinic, main office, or guidance without first securing approval from the adult(s) in that area Allow your voices to rise above a whisper Take photographs in the restroom Leave the building Enter any classroom where class is in session or disrupt classes in any way Students caught in any unauthorized areas will receive a ZERO for this assignment and a referral
Once you returned to the classroom…. Sit with your group members Text/Email your 3 best photos to BrianGordon@spsk12.net Include the names of all group members Do not send more than 3 photos Prepare to have your photos shared with the class When your photos are displayed, be prepared to say a few words about how each photo answers the question that you were presented with
After you read, you should have been able to answer this! What is government? Which major characteristics do all states share? What are the major functions of government? What theories of rule have been put forth to explain government? Main Idea Understanding major political ideas and classic forms of government will help you understand the purposes of government.
Life without government
What is Government? Government is made up of the formal institutions and processes through which decisions are made for a group of people. 1) People Elected officials with authority and control over others; public servants who carry out day-to- day governmental business 2) Power Legislative to make laws; executive to carry out, enforce, and administer laws; judicial to interpret laws and to settle disputes 3) Policy Decision made by government in pursuit of a goal; can be a law, a government program, or a set of government actions
Are you paying attention? Describe the three main components of most governments.
Characteristics of a state political unit with the power to make and enforce laws over a group of people living within a clearly defined territory Population Must have people; number does not matter Territory Must have clearly defined and recognized borders Government Must have a government that issues and enforces rules for the people living within its territory; government must be recognized from within and by other nation states in the international community Sovereignty Must have supreme power to act within its territory and to control its external affairs
Did you read? Why is sovereignty important to a state? A state needs to have both the power to act within its territory and authority over its external affairs.
Functions of Government Ensure National Security Guard its territory and its people against external threats Create and maintain national defense forces including military personnel, weaponry, and operations, as well as peacekeeping missions Maintain good relations with other nations (diplomacy)
Functions of Government Maintain Order Laws help maintain order and protect rights, property, and lives Must have clear rules for unacceptable behavior and consequences Different societies have different ideas about lawful behavior and appropriate punishment Must have means to identify and punish wrongdoers
Functions of government Resolve Conflict Some use intimidation and force; most use politics and justice system Groups try to influence government decisions through politics
Functions of government Provide Services People pay taxes to fund services such as parks, mail, and education Public goods include clean water, parks, and roads; restricted services may include medical care, high schools, and public housing
Functions of government Provide for the Public Good Definitions of “public” and “public good” change over time These questions are addressed through the political process
Did you read? How might ideas about the public shape policy? As notions of what constitutes the public change, government policies will change accordingly.
Theories of rule Legitimacy of Rulers What makes some forms of rule more acceptable than others? Rulers often have legitimacy. They are seen as right and proper by important segments of a nation’s population, so their governance is voluntarily accepted by the people.
Theories of Rule Divine Right Ruler is believed to be chosen by God or the gods Believed in ancient China, ancient Egypt, the Inca Empire, the Roman Empire, Japan until the mid-twentieth century, and seventeenth-century Europe European political and religious theory by Bossuet argued for the divine right of kings
Theories of rule Natural Law and Natural Rights Natural law is a system of rules derived from the natural world. Natural law binds citizens and rulers alike. All people possess natural, or human, rights. Supported by Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas
Theories of rule The Social Contract Social contract theory: governments formed when people agreed to submit to state authority in return for protection and support Government is legitimate only so long as the power is given to the state. Contributed to by Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau