What Is Bullying? This week is Anti-Bullying week. What is bullying? Bullying is purposely hurting someone else. Bullying is REPETITIVE – which means it happens again and again. It is not the same as something happening once. Bullying can be physical, verbal and mental. It hurts the victim a lot and in many different ways.
What Is Bullying? Physical Verbal Mental Pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking, tripping, biting, nipping. Verbal Name calling, saying nasty things, laughing unkindly. Mental Leaving people out, not letting people play together, watching while someone is being bullied, gossiping about people, talking about someone behind their backs.
What Is Bullying? Cyber Using technology to bully someone by threatening them, being unkind or name calling. Technology such as: Text iMessage Whats App Snapchat Facebook X-Box Live Instagram Twitter
Tell someone! What Can You Do? If you or someone else is being bullied… Tell someone! Talk to an adult you can trust as soon as you can. Me or another Adult in the school is best because we can do something!