Welcome to Open House 2016-2017! 12451 Pellicano El paso, Tx 79928 PH #: 937-6800 http://www.sisd.net/johndruganp8
6th grade math and science Ms. Lara 6th grade math and science Room # Portable 12 937-6800 schave05@sisd.net
Education and Experience Socorro High School Bachelors and Master’s degree from utep 6 years teaching
Classroom Expectations Free time Treats Sticky feet Treasure Chest Positive Call Home Alter the Positive Reinforcers to show how your students are rewarded
Bell Schedule Drugan Bell Schedule 7:40 a.m. Entrance Bell 7:45 a.m. Tardy Bell 2:30 p.m. Kinder Dismissal 3:15 p.m. First – eighth Grade Dismissal Be sure to include you conference period times. 6th Grade Time Period Min. 7:35-8:25 1st (BIC) 50 8:28-9:18 2nd 9:21-10:34 3rd 66 10:37-11:07 Lunch 30 11:10-11:39 4th 29 11:42-12:32 5th 12:35-1:25 6th 1:28-2:20 7th 52 2:23-3:15 8th 7th Grade Time Period Min. 7:35-8:25 1st (BIC) 50 8:28-9:18 2nd 9:21-10:11 3rd 10:14-11:04 4th 11:04-11:39 Lunch 35 11:42-12:32 5th 12:35-1:25 6th 1:28-2:20 7th 52 2:23-3:15 8th 8th Grade Time Period Min. 7:35-8:25 1st (BIC) 50 8:28-9:18 2nd 9:21-10:11 3rd 10:14-11:04 4th 11:07-11:57 5th 11:57-12:32 Lunch 35 12:35-1:25 6th 1:28-2:20 7th 52 2:23-3:15 8th
Attendance Policy -Written notes due to front office within 48 hours to excuse absence. -If student is absent for 3 consecutive days, a note from a doctor licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. is required. -Students will have two days for each day absent to make up work missed
Final morning bell rings at 7:45. Tardies Final morning bell rings at 7:45.
SAFETY & VISITORS All visitors must enter through the front of the building, and report immediately to the office. All visitors requesting to proceed to another area of the building must wear a visitor’s badge. Badges must be obtained in the front desk. Parents wishing to meet with teachers need to schedule an appointment during the teachers assigned conference time. Parents should never go directly to their child’s classroom without getting a pass from the office.
Navy Blue Pants are allowable! Uniform Tops Bottoms Navy Blue Pants are allowable!
TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICES AND OTHER DEVICES The use of telecommunication devices and other devices in class will be at the teacher’s discretion and should be only used for academic purposes. Students who use a device in any way that violates the law, Board Policy, or the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. student’s failure to promptly and peacefully relinquish a device will result in more serious disciplinary action. Devices will be returned only to a parent/guardian. Multiple infractions will lead to a $15 return fee.
DROPOFF LOCATIONS /PARKING/TRAFFIC SAFETY Note that parking is not allowed within school zones and the bus loading and unloading area. Parking or stopping at crosswalks is not allowed. “U” turns in school zone are prohibited.
Grading Daily Grades 60% Major Grades 30% 9 Weeks Assessment 10% Quizzes, drawings, foldables Major Grades 30% Unit exams Interactive Student Notebook check 9 weeks project 9 Weeks Assessment 10%
Homework Policy homework for all classes should not exceed more than one hour per night. Projects due after an extended time do not count towards that 1 hour.
Redo Policy It shall be the student’s responsibility to seek the opportunity to redo an assignment or test for which he/she received a failing grade within five school days upon which he/she received notification of a failing grade. The grade earned when redoing an assignment or test shall be averaged with the grade earned on the first attempt, and the averaged grade shall replace the failing grade. Students shall be given one opportunity to redo a failed assignment or test.
No Zero Zone Any student who fails to turn in an assignment can be recommended for No Zero Zone 3:15-4:15
REPORT CARDS / PROGRESS REPORTS The Socorro Independent School District has implemented a nine-week grading policy. progress reports will be sent home at the third and six week point of each grading period.
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Bullying is prohibited at John Drugan. All students are expected to abide by the following rules as adopted from the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2012: I. Drugan Dragons will not bully others; II. Drugan Dragons will help students who are bullied; III. Drugan Dragons will integrate all students; IV. If we know of someone being bullied, we will notify an adult at school and an adult at home.
Classroom Disruptions In order to minimize classroom disruptions, students will only be called out of class at 10:00 am or 2:oo pm to pick up any items (i.e. lunches, homework, or clothing) dropped off by parents.
Any specific information about your class I.E. science fair, social study
Lunch money Has become
Beyond Excellence!