Philosophical Background of the U.S. Constitution GOVT 2305, Module 2
What do you think this means? Where do you think the king gets power? Divine Right of Kings What do you think this means? Where do you think the king gets power?
Theory Behind Divine Right Monarch’s power comes from God Monarch not subject to will of people Only God can judge a king, so the people have no right to replace him King has absolute power Any attempt to depose the king or to restrict his powers runs contrary to the will of God Do people in the UK think this about Queen Elizabeth? Do you think that modern educated people would buy into this theory? Why or why not?
John Locke is Inspiration Seeking independence from the British king, the Americans obviously had to develop an alternative theory to the divine right of kings to justify their revolution. John Locke provided just the right ideas.
How does this compare with the divine right of kings? Lockian Principles People are born free with natural rights of life, liberty, and property The rights come from God, not from government Rights are “inalienable” (they can’t be taken away) People create government to protect their rights Power of government stems from the consent of the governed If government fails to protect rights, then people have the right to replace it—a right of revolution How does this compare with the divine right of kings?
Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence embodies Locke’s theory of revolution.
What Declaration Ignored Issue of Slavery Status of Women
What We Have Learned What was theory behind the divine right of kings? How did John Locke’s theory of government compare and contrast with the divine right of kings? What important issues did the Declaration of Independence not address?