The English Revolution
What do you think about when you see this picture?
Guess who the queen is in this class? For 10 minutes I will make all the decisions. In other words, I will have absolute power and control over the class! To speak you must stand and bow and say, “your highness” Both feet must be on the ground at all times Write with your right hand
Review Enlightenment How can we remember these words strategy? Quizlet Password Take quiz….ready for Parliament?
We will elect a parliament or legislative body We will elect a parliament or legislative body. They will make the decisions based on what the people want. Let’s elect your parliament What kinds of laws or rules do you want for the class?
Video clip on English Revolution
What does Revolution mean?
Monarchy (king) vs. Parliament who has the power?! Divine right says I want all the power! NO! We want the power!
Monarchy (king) vs. Parliament who has the power?! Divine right says I want all the power! H NO! We want the power! House of Lords (Nobles) House of Commons
Monarchy (king) vs. Parliament who has the power?! Catholic influence! H Protestant influence! House of Lords (Nobles) House of Commons
Overview It all begins in the 1600s with conflict between the King James of England and Parliament over who had the power.
King you have little power! King James successor Charles I, a Catholic, takes the throne and resists Parliament’s limitations on him, tries to impose Catholicism on Church of England Oh no I don’t! King you have little power!
The Puritans see Charles’ actions as an abuse of power Hey you can’t do that!
A Puritan leader named Oliver Cromwell led an army in open rebellion against the king.
The English Revolution resulted in the overthrow and execution of Charles I, Oliver Cromwell becomes the leader
No More Parliament! I have all the power! I’m a dictator! After assuming leadership Oliver Cromwell dissolves Parliament and establishes a military dictatorship No More Parliament! I have all the power! I’m a dictator!
After Cromwell dies, Charles II becomes King of England and establishes a good relationship with Parliament having a lot of power
After Charles II, his brother James II (a Catholic) became king of England, the Protestants viewed him as a threat to the Church of England I’m Catholic!
William of Orange and other Protestants lead a rebellion against King James II
King James and his family surrender without a fight
The Glorious Revolution results from William and his wife Mary assuming leadership of England
William of Orange and his wife Mary establish Parliament as the ultimate power, create an English Bill of Rights, and limit the power of the king
Causes and Results of English Revolution Who should have more power? Divine right of kings vs. Parliament Issue of religion The supremacy of Parliament (legislative body) over the king England became a constitutional monarchy English Revolution
Key Vocabulary Revolution Rebellion Absolutism Divine right Parliament Oliver Cromwell
An elected legislative body that makes decisions for the country (limits the monarch’s power) Revolution Rebellion Absolutism Divine right Parliament Oliver Cromwell
The leader of the Puritans against the king during the English Revolution Revolution Rebellion Absolutism Divine right Parliament Oliver Cromwell
Total control and power by a monarchy Revolution Rebellion Absolutism Divine right Parliament Oliver Cromwell
To fight against Revolution Rebellion Absolutism Divine right Parliament Oliver Cromwell
Justification of power by kings that kings are chosen by God Revolution Rebellion Absolutism Divine right Parliament Oliver Cromwell
A major change Revolution Rebellion Absolutism Divine right Parliament Oliver Cromwell
Small group activity Make a poster about the English Revolution using the order of events