An easier way to schedule your courses.
Go to your myESU Portal. Go to the Registration Tools. Click on Add or Drop Classes. You will be directed to SSB. You will need your PIN to proceed. PINS can be obtained from your academic advisor.
You will be able to view the Registration choices below You will be able to view the Registration choices below. Click on Schedule Planner.
Next, click the down arrow key to select and pick the term that you are registering for.
Click Save and Continue button. East Stroudsburg University offers courses in different locations/campus sites. Available campus choices would be Lehigh Valley, Main Campus and Philadelphia. Note: Distance Education courses will be listed under the Main Campus Click Save and Continue button. Click here to select/unselect all Click here to select a specific site only
The screen below will appear next The screen below will appear next. To view videos on how to use the Schedule Planner, click on Help Videos. There are 5 different short videos that will help you learn to navigate the Planner. The shortest video is 35 seconds. The longest video is 2 minutes and 50 seconds.
You will be able to search for courses using three different options available from the Course Status drop-down list: - Open Classes Only—will only display courses that have open seats - Open & Full w/Waitlist Open—will only display courses that that have open seats and courses that are full/closed but have an open waitlist. - Open & Full—will only display courses that that have open seats and courses that are full/closed You will most likely use the Open Classes Only option first.
The Part of Term options will display classes that meet for the full semester and/or half semester. Please choose All Parts of Term Selected.
If for any reason you did not previously select the correct term you can change your selection in the term box shown below.
If for any reason you did not select the correct campus, you can change you selection in the Campus box shown below.
To pick courses that you are interested in taking for the upcoming term, click the Add Course button.
A pop up box will appear. Click the down arrow key next to: 1. Select Subject Course subjects will be listed, click on the subject that you would like to schedule classes.
Click the down arrow key next to: 2. Select Course A list of all the courses offered for the semester will be listed, click on the course that you would like to schedule.
Click the Add Course button. The course you selected will show in the Courses area. To add additional courses, click the Add Course button and repeat the steps to select the Subject and Course.
Once you have all the courses added, you can then add desired Breaks Once you have all the courses added, you can then add desired Breaks. A break is a regularly scheduled event that you will participate in for the upcoming semester. For example, Club Meeting, Practice, Job or Volunteer Commitment. Click on Add Break button.
Click the days that you are not able to schedule classes. Put in a break name. Click the days that you are not able to schedule classes. Put in the start time and end time that you can not schedule classes. Click on the Save Break button. Note: You cannot use the same name for the same activity even if the meeting days or times will be different. You will need to add different more than 1 break. For example, Soccer Practice at 3pm-5pm on Tuesdays and 1-3pm on Thursdays will need to be added as 2 breaks (Soccer Practice 1 and Soccer Practice 2).
When all your course(s) and break(s) are in, make sure there is a check mark by each course that you are interested in using to create your schedule options. Click on the Generate Schedules button. This will give you all the possible combinations of your schedule.
You will then be able to view all combinations of all open courses scheduled around your designated breaks. In the example below, there are 632 combinations based on the courses open and break(s) you chose.
Click on the magnifying glass beside any schedule Click on the magnifying glass beside any schedule. You will see a worksheet of your schedule (courses and breaks).
If you click on the word “View” you will see more information about that schedule.
This schedule shows how many seats are open, days and times for each course, room number and credits for each course. At the bottom is total credits. If you see a flag before a course, that means that the course has prerequisites.
The bottom portion shows the course number, course location and instructor. For all combinations you will always see the courses shown in the same color. In this example, Math will be blue, Art will be yellow, English will be purple, History will be brown and the work break schedule is in light blue.
If you like the time frame for a particular course, you are able to lock a course by clicking on the lock icon in any of the blocks for that course.
You will see in the Schedule Planner that the course is locked. You can now view all course combinations that have the locked course by selecting the Generate Schedules button.
You can print the page, Send to Cart or Close Schedule. If you want to view other schedules, you would choose the Close Schedule button. If you would like to register for this schedule, you would choose the Send to Cart button. If you choose Send to Cart this pop up box will appear. If you are sure you want to register for this schedule, choose OK. If not, choose Cancel.
If you cancel your request you will need to cancel a second time by clicking on Cancel.
You can compare up to four schedules. To do this, put a check mark next to the schedule options you want to compare. Choose Compare button.
While viewing the four schedules, if you forget what the different colors mean, put your cursor on the color and the course information will pop up. If you want to see the schedules in more detail, choose the Open Schedule link found below the course schedule.
At any time you can find information about each course by putting your cursor over the Info button.
At any time you can delete a course selection by clicking the garbage icon located on the same line as the course. You will get a pop up box asking you to confirm before removing the course.
When you finally find the schedule that you like, you will choose the Send to Cart Button. When the pop up box comes up choose OK.
The following information will appear. Choose the Register button.
Once you click the Register button, your courses will be added to your class schedule for the upcoming semester.