Welcome to First Grade Open House Cooper, Hughes, Propst, Murdock, Teasley
First Grade Curriculum http://www.wcpss.net/curriculum- instruction/docs_downloads/connections/connections- g1.pdf
Common Core Language Arts Math Expose students to non-fiction and fiction texts. Focus learning on foundational mathematical knowledge. Expose students to more complex books through read-alouds (science topics, social studies topics). Connect learning from grade to grade. Encourage students to support their answers with proof from the text. Demonstrate fluency (speed and accuracy). Students demonstrate what they learn and think through writing (opinion writing, non-fiction writing). Build a deep understanding (demonstrate understanding of math concepts from a number of perspectives). Expose students to more content-based vocabulary. Apply appropriate strategies to solve mathematical problems in real world situations. Build a balance between memorization and application.
What does Common Core look like in action? Students will… Language Arts Math Choose a non-fiction topic of interest to learn about. Read and gather information about the topic. Work in a group to create an informational poster about the topic. Orally present their work to the class. Identify a real world problem in order to pose a question. Gather information about the question. Use data and information collected in order to solve the problem and answer the question (create a survey in order to determine what type of pizza to serve at your birthday party…).
PTA Parent Suggestions What can you do at home? PTA Parent Suggestions
Reading Readers Workshop~ start with a mini lesson then practice skill with books and partners Independent reading (read non-fiction, fiction, poetry, song books…) Partner reading Small group reading Read Aloud complex texts with accountable talk Guided reading Strategy groups
Writing Writer’s Workshop: begin with mini-lesson where teacher models writing Stretch out words/write sounds you hear Sentences, spaces, punctuation Writing craft (onomatopoeias, adjectives, strong story starters, transitional words) Writing different genres (narrative, non-fiction, opinion…) Editing/revision
Math Number sense (numbers up to 120, subitizing, math facts, grouping amounts, properties of operations) Algebra (unknown numbers, missing partners) Geometry (reason with shapes and their attributes) Measurement (calendar, time to hour and half-hour, elapsed time, estimation, measuring in standard and non-standard units of measurement) Data Analysis and Probability (graphs, line plots, vocabulary) There will be nightly math homework.
Science and Social Studies Integrate with literacy Hands- on experiments Learn about the scientific process (predicting, observing, recording, labeling) Science topics include: Organisms, Pebbles, Sand and Silt, Measurement, Exploring Our Sky, Balance and Motion. Integrate with literacy Many hands-on activities Social Studies topics include: Families and Citizenship, Community, Traditions, Geography
Conferences All will receive interim reports during 1st quarter. At the end of quarter 1 and 3 there will be a conference. If your child is below grade level during the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter, you will receive an interim. 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters= report cards come home If you need to schedule a conference with me at any other time of the year, please send in a note or an email and we can schedule a time to get together. I cannot meet with you during arrival or dismissal.
PBS (Positive Behavior Support) School wide behavior expectations SOAR Safety first Ownership of our school Achieve success Respect Earn class Eggs and Blue Jay Bucks for following directions and for SOARING! Blue Jay Bucks can be redeemed for prizes/rewards
Wrap it up! Folders go home everyday! Please check your child’s folder and book bag daily! All notes should be sent in the folder. Volunteers~ please sign up on the computer in the Media Center In your packet there are several things to look over, read and use at home to help your child succeed this year! Questions?? Thank you for coming tonight! We will have a great school year!