Mrs. Gabaldon 6th Grade Room D103 Math and Science Back to School Night Mrs. Gabaldon 6th Grade Room D103 Math and Science
About Mrs. Gabaldon
Curriculum California Content Standards in front of textbooks Math: Text: Big Ideas Course 1 (green book) Big Ideas Record and Practice Journal - workbook Fractions, decimals, percent, geometry, algebra, statistical measures and more! Science – Text: CPO Focus on Earth Science Also will include life science, physical science, and engineering.
New CA Standards - Math Thinking Deeply Integrating Learning Analyze more, discuss more, evaluate more, justify more Integrating Learning Combining subjects/real world problems Showing How They Know Emphasizes proof and evidence Need to explain how they know Ways to help at home: Its ok if they make mistakes – we learn from them. Let it be hard – help them talk it out Encourage questions and explore answers
Science – Stem Scopes
Rules and Consequences Warnings Change of seat – different seat/room Parents contacted Office Detention Saturday School Coupons – Listen to music, homework pass, sit anywhere for the day, 3 extra points on test/quiz, etc…
Homework Policy Importance of Homework Absences Reinforces what has been learned Prepares student for upcoming lessons Teaches responsibility Helps student develop strong study habits No late homework accepted but still need to do for notebook grade Projects get lowered 1 whole grade for each day late Absences Students are responsible for obtaining and completing missed assignments if absent Allowed 1 day for each day of absence to turn in missed work
Notebooks Math Notebook Science Notebook Must be 8 ½ x 11 inches! Need to bring to class every day! Very organized Table of Contents Left side – Homework Right side – Notes Science Notebook All work must be kept in notebook Handouts need to be glued into notebook
Contact Agenda Check for homework – stamp/initial if homework is turned in/checked Website – announcements, homework, class files, projects, etc. Email (Best way) Phone: 951-304-1880 x3513 ABI/Aeries – get code/password from office or links on school/district website Parent/Teacher conferences at end of Sept for D/F students.