8A What’s in food? What does this food contain? – use your team stickers to predict. Use team counters to record actual result. Test Result Present? Starch - Iodine solution orangey-brown Protein - Biuret test purple Fat - Ethanol test cloudy white
8A What’s in food? What does this food contain? – use your team stickers to predict. Use team counters to record actual result. Test Result Present? Starch - Iodine solution orangey-brown Protein - Biuret test purple Fat - Ethanol test cloudy white
8A What’s in food? What does this food contain? – use your team stickers to predict. Use team counters to record actual result. Test Result Present? Starch - Iodine solution orangey-brown Protein - Biuret test purple Fat - Ethanol test cloudy white
8A What’s in food? What does this food contain? – use your team stickers to predict. Use team counters to record actual result. Test Result Present? Starch - Iodine solution orangey-brown Protein - Biuret test purple Fat - Ethanol test cloudy white
8A What’s in food? What does this food contain? – use your team stickers to predict. Use team counters to record actual result. Test Result Present? Starch - Iodine solution orangey-brown Protein - Biuret test purple Fat - Ethanol test cloudy white
8A What’s in food? What does this food contain? – use your team stickers to predict. Use team counters to record actual result. Test Result Present? Starch - Iodine solution orangey-brown Protein - Biuret test purple Fat - Ethanol test cloudy white
8A What’s in food? What does this food contain? – use your team stickers to predict. Use team counters to record actual result. Test Result Present? Starch - Iodine solution orangey-brown Protein - Biuret test purple Fat - Ethanol test cloudy white