‘Sustaining the Momentum - Permission to think differently ‘Sustaining the Momentum - Permission to think differently? Jane Davidson – Pro Vice Chancellor for Sustainability and Engagement UWTSD Global Learning Programme Wales 2017
Think global, act local
Individual and collective responsibility
Reducing stuff…
Ecological Footprint Measure it at http://www.bestfootforward.com/resources/ecological-footprint/ or http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ Your living habits make up your footprint In Wales we currently use about 3 planets instead of 1 Housing inc energy 25% Food 20% Transport 18% Stuff 37%
1999 – a new beginning Government of Wales Act 1998 and 2006 The Government has a duty to have a scheme setting out how it will promote sustainable development in the exercise of its functions. Brundtland definition of 'Sustainable Development' "..development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
Welsh Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) themes in Wales 2002 - 2008 Links between society, economy, environment and between our lives and those of people throughout the world; Needs and rights of both present and future generations; Relationship between power, resources & human rights; Local and global implications of everything we do; and The actions that individuals and organisations can take in responding to local and global issues.
Wales for Africa 2006
First Fairtrade country 2008
“ Within the lifetime of a generation we want to see Wales using only its fair share of the earth’s resources” One Wales One Planet, 2009
UNESCO Decade of ESD Final Report 2014 ESD has galvanized pedagogical innovation ESD encourages extensive partnerships and networks Perhaps one of the most significant lessons learned during the Decade is that strong political leadership is instrumental to advancing ESD
Wellbeing of Future Generations Act 2015 Future Generations Commissioner Environmental Social Cultural Economic CCS Well-being Objectives
5 Ways of Working - WOW
ESDGC post Wellbeing for Future Generations Act ‘being mainstreamed across all sectors’ through 7 themes: Welsh Government 31 January 2017 Natural environment Consumption and waste Climate change Wealth and poverty Identity and culture Choices and decisions Health
Welsh Government update – Jan 2017 ESDGC aims to challenge learners to see how they can contribute to the lives of others. It is being mainstreamed across all education sectors and embedded in a wide range of subjects. To ensure that ESDGC is effectively embedded, it is part of the inspection framework introduced by Estyn in September 2010. This means that Estyn assesses the quality and provision of ESDGC in all the education sectors that it inspects. As a result, good practice can be identified and shared, and any weaknesses can be addressed
Curriculum Materials http://gov.wales/topics/educationandskills/allsectorpolicies/europeanandinternational/sustainabledevelop/?lang=en - strategy for action – Updates (January 2008) - A Strategy for Action – Updates - In the further education sector in Wales - A common understanding for schools ( - Information for teacher trainees and new teachers in Wales - A common understanding for the adult and community learning sector - A self-assessment toolkit for Work-Based Learning Providers - Analysis of self-assessment reports for work-based learning - Self Assessment
…and remember ‘‘Do unto future generations what you would have past generations do unto you’ John Rawls What Wales is doing today, the world will do tomorrow Nikhil Seth (Director of SD, DESA UN)
Thank you