What these efforts have in common Each effort aligns programs/integrates silos to resource better outcomes Private/Public Boards clarify outcomes for investment, promote alignment A formal mechanism devolves design, responsibility, and accountability to locals Local entities are charged with convening, problem solving and designing local solutions to achieve the outcomes Service delivery is provided by partners who are accountable for delivering results Kitzhaber Administration Transformation Efforts Oregon Health Policy Board Health Care Better health for more Oregonians at a lower cost Early Learning Council Early Learning Healthy Kids ready to learn Oregon Education Investment Board Education Better skills to build a better economy (40-40-20) Oregon Workforce Investment Board Workforce More people able to get better jobs Advisory Committee Regional Solutions Thriving Communities Federal waiver Contracts Compacts Local Plans Governor’s staff Regional Solutions committees and centers (11 & 7) Community Care Organizations (16) Local Workforce Investment Boards School , CC & ESD Boards (200+) Early learning Hubs (7-16) public health organizations, CBOs, etc CBO’s, schools, relief nurseries, etc. K-12 schools, Colleges, Universities, ESDs WorkSource Centers, State Offices, CBO’s, colleges, etc. Biz OR, DEQ, OHCS, LCDC, ODOT, Universities, foundations, etc.