Welcome to King Edward’s Year 12 New Parents’ Evening PT:
The aim of the evening To introduce myself and our faculty based pastoral system To outline college policies which affect students To answer your questions An opportunity to meet Lead Tutors, careers experts and senior managers in the Dining Hall after this session
The Pastoral Structure PT Additional Learning Support Head of Faculty Lead Tutor College Counsellor
The Tutorial Programme Students meet with their PT every week, usually on Wednesday Each student will have an individual review meeting per term to discuss progress and to set targets Tutorial resources are available in and out of college via the college Moodle site
Reporting and Assessments Four formal assessments occur over the two years Students are set a target grade in each subject Students will self-assess their own progress and set their own targets within the eILP [Electronic Individual Learning Plan] Subject tutors assess the performance of students in the following areas: A ‘current grade’ of recent performance [A-E, U] An effort grade [using college descriptors] Advice on a target of how to improve their performance in each subject
Assessment of effort levels Effort Level Descriptors Evidence Outstanding level of effort Outstanding level of motivation in lessons; class work completed meticulously; homework completed with a meticulous attention to detail; deadlines met; strong evidence of independent learning High level of effort High level of motivation in lessons; class work completed diligently; homework completed diligently; deadlines met; substantial evidence of work undertaken outside of the classroom Acceptable level of effort Acceptable level of motivation in lessons; class work completed; homework completed; deadlines met; some evidence of work undertaken outside of classroom Low level of effort Low level of motivation in lessons; inconsistent completion of class work; inconsistent completion of homework; some deadlines missed; little evidence of work undertaken outside of classroom Inadequate level of effort Poor level of motivation in lessons; class work not completed; work repeatedly handed in late; very little or no evidence of work undertaken outside of the classroom
Assessments and emails Assessment information is placed in the Parent Portal with ‘live’ attendance data The e-newsletter will include instructions directing you straight to the assessment data for your son/daughter To receive our e-newsletter please write your email address clearly on our data capture sheet
Consultation Events 30th January 4th February 24th April Consultation Evening Surname A-J 4th February Surname K-Z 24th April By invitation
Year 12 Student’s Experience of Target Setting
Enrichment Opportunities A wide range of enrichment activities are available, led by both teaching staff and students Extensive range of Gifted and Talented events, Masterclasses and trips and visits All students will take GCSE General Studies at end of Year 12, AS General Studies and a Level 2 Certificate in Personal Finance in Year 13.
Attendance and Punctuality Attendance monitoring is a major priority at the college and students are required to attend all sessions punctually There is a direct correlation between achievement and attendance rates The college absence policy and details on how to report an absence are available on the college website, under the Student tab, click on the link Reporting an absence
Additional Learning Support Inclusive environment helping all students realise their full potential Tailored and bespoke support Screening, 1:1 sessions, and specialist dyslexia tutor Available for discussions in the Dining Hall
Other Matters Library: A wide range of services and resources with which students are familiar from library Induction courses. Employment: Research suggests that excessive part-time employment has an adverse effect on students’ progress and their studies, and ultimately on their final examination results. It is advisable that not more than 10 hours part-time work should be undertaken per week. Student Union: This is an elected body of student representatives from all tutor groups. It represents the students’ interest in college affairs, organises social functions and undertakes fundraising activities for charity. Our PT group representatives are to be appointed soon. Time Management: The demands of the course are great; out of college commitments need monitoring to ensure a balance is maintained at this level. Effective time management, independent learning and study skills are essential skills.
Thank you for attending Any questions? Refreshments will be served in the Dining Hall where you will also be able to meet Lead Tutors, Learning Support, careers experts and senior managers All information discussed tonight is available on the college web site. Keep in touch