Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model TPC Parameters for ILD Integration/Optimization Continuation of discussion from 12 August 2010 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Integration/optimizaiton iterations: --Iteration # 1 at wpmtg103 on 20100422 was only looking at the effect of the electronics (cables and pipes), using Antoine’s ROB as a basis (263mm x 282mm containing 16 x 16 S-Altros). --Iteration # 2 wpmtg104 on 20100506: --a) The ‘TPC envelope’ required by the MDI group must be included in the thinking. --b) Email exchange with Dan; we concluded that it is better if the basic unit is smaller in size and number of channels. --Iteration #3: the ‘final’ proposal at wpmtg105 on 20100520. --Iteration #4: see wpmtg106 on 20100603 --Iteration #5: see wpmtg108 on 20100701 --Iteration #6: see wpmtg111 on 20100812 --Today, pick up where we left off 3 months ago 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model --Where were we three months ago? 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model 3 months ago Hi Steve, In a nutshell, the questions are: -has there been a 'final' decison ('final' meaning have you already started simulations with new parameters?) about the endcap X_0%? -has there been a 'final' decision about using a better formula for the \sigma_z(z,\theta)? i.e., including the polar-angle effect? -has there been a 'final' decision about improved 2-hit resolution formulae for the radial and drift directions? Cheers, Ron Answer Aug.2010: no, we still have time to decide. Now, November 2010: Time’s up!!! 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Integration: hardware/software model iteration # 7 today 20101125 --What happened since Iteration # 6 three months ago? PRC2010 report for 11 October 2010 caused a 6-week break PRC2010 gives a status report on all LCTPC activities: See, under “Linear collider things”, click on PRC2010 report, version#19 See also presentations at ILCWS Geneva 18 – 22 October 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Integration: hardware/software model iteration # 7 today 20101125, under “Linear collider things”, click on PRC2010 report, version#19 see DBD preparations (Section 2.3 on p.33) for Dan’s studies AEP granularity Fieldcage S-Altro FEC-MCM proposal by Lund Cooling, power pulsing studies Software/reconstruction 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model # Channels --64 pads/S-Altro --16 S-Altro/ROB1 (Antoine) -- 8 ROB1/ROB8 --1024 pads/ROB1 --8192 pads/ROB8 --244 ROB8/endcap --1998848 pads/endcap Must be updated by Lund for new FEC/MCM layout ROB sizes will vary slightly across the endcap, depending on the shapes of the different ROBs. ROB1 (Antoine, to be revised for Lund FEC/MCM layout) and ROB8 (Dan/LP-sized modules) are starters since 8000 pads per module seems about right, and we are gaining experience with that size and # channels at the LP. 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model X_0 Thicknesses (slide from mtg103 Must be updated by Lund for new FEC/MCM layout Sum of these plus S-Altros ~ 5 % X_0 Dan estimated at last meeting the space-frame thickness ~ 8 % X_0 for the LP size. We don’t know yet how this translates to the LCTPC size. Cooling (my guess, needs confirmation) ~ 2% X_0 Cable layout --- work in progress --- but it looks like the above X_0 may be doubled due to low voltage supply. R E M I N D E R Must be updated by Dan’s latest studies In PRC2010 report, endcap thickness of 25% X_0 (upper limit) was written until more info on LV, FEC/MCM and AEP is available. 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model Must be updated by Dan’s latest studies. Dan won’t be joining today (holiday in the US), so recalling his slides from last meeting #117… … and an email to Jan and me yesterday, his conclusion is that it does not help to make the endcap thicker than 100mm. We should have a final discussion on this at the next meeting #119, where I will also present some ideas about the tolerance on the endcap deflection. 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Part 1 of 2008 eMail to ild-optimization maillist: Where we left off: Changes in 2010? 50^2=25^2+30^2+30^2 =perf.electr.^2+real.electr.^2+Bfield^2 No change Momentum resolution little affected by 6mm or 4mm pad-height No change 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
This formula was checked by Jan (and Takeshi?) Part 1 of 2008 eMail to ild-optimization maillist: Correction to a mistake in the mtg#108 formula: sigma_z(z,θ)^2≈[3*(ΔT*v_drift)^2/12N_eff] + [(Cd^L)^2*z + (h/tanθ)^2/12]/(N_eff/sinθ) ≈[perf.electr.^2 +real.electr.^2+angle_zero-drift^2] + [diff^2+angle^2] = 218microns(z=0cm,θ=90deg) to 790microns(z=225cm,θ=90deg) = 218microns(z=0cm, θ=15deg to 832microns(z=225cm,θ=15deg) Old formula = 400 (z=0) to 1265microns(z=225cm) This formula was checked by Jan (and Takeshi?) 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model
Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model What else? The latest Table 1.1 in the PRC report, version #19: In principle the two-track resolution in rphi and rz as a function of angle... 20101125 Ron Settles MPI-Munich LCTPC integration model