Report on the Rockingham County Public Schools Anti-Bullying Committee Efforts Report Created for the Rockingham County Public Schools Board of Education Meeting 9/24/2012
Anti-Bullying Committee Monthly meetings since March (4), of RCPS Division stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, counselors, community members, administrators and Board of Education (22 members). Explored current practice with anti-bullying efforts in RCPS The Committee has examined and reviewed new programs and ideas (Olweus, Actively Caring for People and Pulsar). The Anti-Bullying Committee recommended the attendance of thirty-six members of the RCPS school division attend the “Bullying Prevention in the Promotion of a Positive School Climate” conference in Charlottesville. Virginia Department of Health consultation and assistance.
Next Steps Definition Recognition Intervention
Definition Adopt a common definition of bullying (Virginia House Bill 1576, 2011.) “Recklessly or intentionally endangering the health or safety of a student by exposing the student repeatedly and over time to physical aggression or intimidation, whether through direct physical contact or through the use of information or communication technology, resulting in bodily injury or other harm to person or property”. Include this definition in student handbooks and Effective School-wide Discipline (ESD) materials
Recognition Train administrators, guidance counselors and teachers in how to recognize and respond to bullying behaviors within the school Principals Meetings Guidance Counselors Meetings Faculty Meetings Provide examples and non-examples of bullying behaviors Develop a consistent method for documenting bullying behaviors by students
Intervention Implement programs/ideas from the work of the Anti-Bullying Committee as appropriate (Pulsar, Olweus, AC4P, Division Umbrella) Determine consistent set of consequences for bullying behaviors at elementary, middle and high schools Work with the ESD chairperson and committee in each school to determine how anti-bullying interventions will be implemented specifically in that school Continue and expand current anti-bullying efforts taking place in the school
Additional Goals for 2012-13 Gather information from RCPS schools regarding their own anti-bullying efforts for information, analysis and distribution. Continue with technical assistance with the Virginia Department of Health (Vinu Ilakkuvan, Bullying Prevention Coordinator). Consult with Chesterfield County regarding their efforts and issues. Assemble a “Division Plan”, using existing information/data from our division as well as other divisions, Virginia Dept. of Health, College/University Resources from University of Virginia, and Virginia Tech. Once assembled in handbook form, the plan would be disseminated throughout the division.