Islington SEND Community Support Service Annual Summary Report 2016-2017
The service has 4 part-time SEND case work staff, 2 part-time community engagement staff, 1 part-time admin support staff and a full time project manager. Additional Independent Support funding was secured to support the community engagement post
SENDIAS Service Model Family Action SENDIAS Model Our SENDIAS service model is underpinned by the principles of the theories of systems thinking, parent as the expert empowerment model and the social model of disability. Team staff are trained and supervised to work systemically to identify and overcome barriers preventing the child and young person to achieve their full potential within the home, educational, health and social care settings and wider community. Practice is person centred and solution focussed and staff use person centred tools, reflective listening and coaching skills to achieve this, underpinned by thorough SEND legislative, Islington statutory and local services knowledge
Service Implementation The full team were recruited and in post by August 2016. After a review of the first quarterly monitoring data it was identified that the service was performing well providing income maximisation support to parents and carers. However, numbers of parents and carers accessing the service for support with educational concerns regarding EHCPs (requests, appeals, annual review, EHCP support plans) SEN support, resolution disagreement and school exclusion issues were low. The number of children and young people accessing the service and receiving direct casework support were also low. From this service needs analysis, three aims were identified for Year 1 service implementation:
Aim 1 Increase the number of clients accessing SENDIAS service Increase EHCP and SEN educational support case work Maintain income maximisation support for families with SEND
See Income maximisation graphs Apr-Jun 2016 July-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar 2017 Annual 2016-17 Income maximisation 56 173 131 140 500 School issue (exclusion related) 6 1 40 25 72 School issue/ SEN support 4 55 53 116 Tribunal 5 14 24 Disagreement Resolution 2 9 15 Contact with professional’s 8 22 44 Annual Review 10 EHC Plan 71 77 Challenging behaviour in school 3 17 31 51 An extensive outreach plan was implemented to raise awareness of the wide range of SEND support and advice available to parents/ carers and young people with or without a formal diagnosis, including the disagreement resolution service and support for school exclusion for children with SEND. We attended 52 meetings with statutory and third sector services across education, health and social care. A total of 417 families accessed our service this year and 281 families received case work. EHCP support has risen from 0 cases in the first quarter to 173 at year end and we supported with 14 annual reviews. SEN support case work rose from 4 in the first quarter to 116 at year end. We attended 10 TAC meetings. 72 families were supported with school exclusion issues and 15 disagreement resolution meetings. See Income maximisation graphs
Aim 2: Young People Increase awareness of SENDIAS service Independently access the service and receive support. Increase SEND young people’s rights’ awareness and confidence to voice their needs and views in meetings and with professionals. designated young person worker “easy read” and accessible for SEND young people. New service literature was co-produced with 2 young people. Communicate in Print software Feedback from young people has been excellent. Model of support person centred and solution focussed approaches to develop trust and rapport with young people. informed choices. first opportunity of accessing a service independently of their parents and having a choice to engage or not with a service. For others, engaging with our service has been an initial first step to accessing other post-16 services and projects. Outcomes direct independent case work to 13 young people referred from statutory and third sector services and engaged with 38 young people/ children through meetings, phone calls or text messages. We have young people engaging with us who are not currently engaging with any other service (either through choice or not meeting thresholds) family case work model which has supported 9 families. The parent and young person are assigned their own case worker to ensure the needs of the whole family are met, keeping the young person at the centre of the decision making process and providing mediation to resolve any differences. This has been a successful model and we will continue where necessary to use this going forward into Year 2. group work to 6 sixth form students at Samuel Rhodes school delivering a program to develop their rights awareness and confidence to express their views. Engagement from the participants was so successful the service has trained 4 students as young people recruitment panellists who will interview and score prospective staff as part of Samuel Rhodes’ recruitment panel. The outcomes achieved are increased confidence, knowledge, skills and participation in decision making processes for the young people. These young people will be aware and confident to access support from SENDIAS post 18 years if required.
Outcomes Co-produced easy read, accessible service forms for SEND young people direct independent case work to 13 young people Engaged and involved 38 young people in SEND support and advice Family case work with 9 families Transition to adulthood group work in Samuel Rhodes School
Aim 3- vulnerable and hard to reach families to reach and support vulnerable and hard to reach SEND families in the borough not currently accessing support 44 professional introductions to vulnerable families as first time service users 263 contacts with professionals were made over the year. multi-agency relationships. the service does not take referrals but does encourage professional introductions to families 44 professional introductions to vulnerable families as first time service users were received 263 contacts with professionals were made over the year.
Resource Making Workshops Outcomes Parents supported to make practical aids to support behaviour Strong peer support networks were developed SEND parents support group at schools will be piloted in Year 2 where appropriate Termly SEND drop in sessions in schools Train Early Years service staff to deliver Resource Making sessions as part of staff CPD program from September 2017
“Relax It’s Friday” Parent Support Group Outcomes new parents joining the group have reported feeling reassured and more knowledgeable of services from speaking to more experienced parents of SEN children Case work referrals have also been generated from the group See evaluation charts in report Parent/Carer’s Coffee Group KEEP CALM IT’S FRIDAY! COME AND HAVE A CUPPA EVERY FRIDAY 11AM-1PM (TERM TIME ONLY) LOUGH ROAD CENTRE LOUGH ROAD N7 8RH (NEAR PARADISE PARK) FOR PARENTS AND CARERS OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITIES
Professional SEND Code of Practice Training Delivered training to 39 teachers and support staff at Islington and City college 5 staff at Friendship Works Mentoring service CAMHS professional team meeting Outcome: staff gained knowledge of the EHCP process and their role in SEND support planning See evaluation chart in report
Service Priorities 2017-2018 Young people SEN support YP steering group and “Know your Rights, Have a Voice” workshop program SENDIAS stall at City and Islington and London Metropolitan induction week Support transition work with targeted sixth form students at Samuel Rhodes Scope opportunities to work with YOS to support SEND young people SEN support SEND drop-ins at mainstream schools, Resource Making and transition workshops for parents in more schools Support development of parental peer support SEND school support groups SEND drop in and workshops for parents at PRU primary site Continue and expand upon delivery of SEND Code of Practice awareness staff support training to schools, colleges and third sector organisations