Lab 1 Introduction to ArcGIS Feb 17, 2016 RS & GISc, Institute of Space Technology Lab 1 Create layer from selected features will only show the selected records and the same source as of original shapefile.
ArcGIS Primary components of ArcGIS Desktop ArcMap ArcCatalog building, editing, and displaying map documents ArcCatalog creating, importing, and maintaining map files ArcToolbox geoprocessing and spatial analysis tools Other platforms included in ArcGIS Desktop are ArcScene and ArcGlobe both enable 3D data viewing and manipulation ArcGIS has also grown to include mobile applications.
What we Cover Today? How to Use ArcCatalog 10x Open and Save document Work with layers Navigate in document Measure distance Work with feature attributes Select features Work with attribute tables Label features Map document
Tutorial 1-0: How to Use ArcCatalog Getting Started With ArcCatalog What is ArcCatalog ArcCatalog Window Contents of the selected item on Catalog Tree Catalog Tree Together ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcScene, and ArcGlobe make up ArcGIS Desktop--- World’s most popular GIS software. ArcCatalog is a GIS application that allows you to manage (find, preview, document and organize) your spatial data. It is similar to Window Explorer that let you browse the map data, and add data to ArcMap with ArcCatalog.
Starting Arc Catalog Click on the Start menu Click on ArcGIS Click on ArcCatalog contents, preview and metadata: These three tabs allow you to view more information about the files. Content: lists the items contained by the selected item in the Catalog tree. Preview: lets you see the geographic or attribute data it contains. The Metadata tab lets you see documentation describing the item’s contents.
Connecting to a Folder On the toolbar menu click the ‘Connect to Folder’ button Navigate to a folder where your data is saved Click the folder you would like to connect This connection will remain there until it is disconnected In the above exercise you have to browse through map data by navigating deep into folders on the catalog. There is an easier way to navigate through folders to locate the required data by creating connections.
Tutorial 1-1: Open and Save a Map Document Launch ArcMap Open an Existing Map Document Save the map document to a new location Familiarize with the Tools MyExercises\Chapter1\Tutorial1-1.mxd Open ArcMap either from Start menu or through ArcCatalog . The ArcMap interface includes a map and a table of contents that lists the map’s layers.
Summary of Toolbars Main Menu Open other menu buttons as well and explore their content.
Customize OR Right click on space where tool bars are docked.
Some Important Toolbars Draw Editor Standard Tools
Tutorial 1-2: Work with Map Layers Question: Before GIS, how mapmakers used to manage Map layers? Clear Plastic sheets and then stacked the sheets to make a map composition. Scale of all layers in that case must be same to stack.
Tutorial 1-2: Work with Map Layers Turn a Layer on and off Add and remove map layers Save map sing Relative Paths Drag and Drop a layer from the Catalog Window Change a layer’s display order Change a layer’s color Change a layer’s outline color ArcMap displays map layers from a map document but the map document does not contain copies of the map layers. The map layer files remain external to the map document wherever they exist on computer storage media. TOC : Map layers Relative Path: When you add a layer to a map, ArcMap stores the paths in the map document. When you open a map, ArcMap locates the layer data using these stored paths. If ArcMap cannot find the data for a layer, the layer will still appear in the TOC, but not in map. Instead, ArcMap places a red exclamation mark (!) next to the layer name to indicate that this path needs repair. Paths can be absolute or relative. Relative paths in a map specify the location of the layers relative to the current location on disk of the map document (.mxd file). Relative paths do not contain drive letter names, they enable the map and its associated data to point to the same directory structure regardless of the drive or folder in which the map resides.
Tutorial 1-3: Navigate in the Map Document Zoom in Fixed Zoom In and Zoom Out Pan Full, Previous and Next Extent Open the Magnifier Window Magnifier Properties Use the Overview Window Create Spatial Bookmarks
Your Turn Add COLORADO COStreets.shp (C:\ESRIPress\GIST1\Data\UnitedStates.gdb) Zoom in for a closer look of street data Change the color of Streets layer Create Spatial bookmarks for the States of California, New York, and Texas Remove California bookmark
Tutorial 1-4: Measure Distance Change measurement units Measure the width of Washington State
Your Turn Measure the north – south distance (top to bottom) of State of Washington Measure the north – south distance of the continental United States from the southern tip of Texas to northern edge of North Dakota Measure the east – west distance of the continental United States from the Washington to Maine The Distance in Q1 is roughly ___________miles The Distance in Q2 is roughly ___________miles The Distance in Q3 is roughly ___________miles Answers: 1: 250 miles 2: 1,600 miles 3: 2,500 miles
Tutorial 1-5: Work with Feature Attributes Use the Identify Tool Use Advance Identify tool capabilities Find Features
Your Turn Restrict the identify results to COCounties layer and identify Colorado counties Make bookmarks for various counties using Identify tools
Tutorial 1-6: Select Features Use the Select Features tool Change the selection color and clear a selection Change selection symbol Set selectable layers Select by Graphic
Your Turn Create a new layer from selected features by selecting multiple counties in Colorado After selection, right click the US Cities layer in the TOC and click Selection and then Create Layer from Selected Features Name the new layer Clear the selected features
Tutorial 1-7: Work with Attribute Tables Open the attribute table Select a record Select feature on map and see selected records Show selected records Switch Selection Clear Selection Move a Field Sort a Field, Advance Sorting Get Statistics
Your Turn Open attribute table of Counties layer Sort field POP2000 in descending order Get statistics of 10 top records of sorted field POP2000 Min = __________________ Max = __________________ Mean = __________________ Standard Deviation = __________________
Tutorial 1-8: Label Features Set Label Properties Label Features Turn Labels off Convert Labels to Annotation Edit a Label Graphic Labels are text items on maps Derived from one or more feature attributes
Assignment 1-1 Evaluate U.S. Housing Statistics