Tuition Fees Student Loans & Bursaries Additional Funding How & When To Apply Repayment
Tuition Fees Scotland HNC, HND - £1,285 Degree - £1,820 The Rest of The UK Up to £9,250
Bursaries & Loans Household income Bursary Loan Total £0 to £18,999 £1,875 £5,750 £7,625 £19,000 to £23,999 £1,125 £6,875 £24,000 to £33,999 £500 £6,250 £34,000 and above £0 £4,750 Payments made by monthly instalment – double instalment in first month
Additional Funding Nursing & Midwifery Bursary £6,578 Care Experienced Students £7,625 DSA Disabled Students Allowance Living Costs Grants Discretionary Fund University Bursaries and Scholarships
How & When To Apply Between April & 30 June Don’t wait for exam results
Repayment Current repayment threshold - £17,775 Repayment amount = 9% of all income above threshold Income £20,000 - Repayment = £17 a month