Norminha garcia 1 BACH “A” 12-04-10 What I have learn ? Norminha garcia 1 BACH “A” 12-04-10
What I learn In the first term i learn who to create a wiki and manage a wiki. I learn about windows movie maker Data base podcast
WIKISPACES We make a wiki and we learn how to manage our wiki, how to upload and open information in the school page. Have a wiki is very useful in the school because we update all our homework and the teacher have all the information to. I think the best that we have in this class is the wiki, because there we can see the class in my house and do mi homework by the wiki.
Windows movie maker With windows movie maker we learned to make a commercial about any product that we want. We make a comercial, in the commercial I participate.
podcast In podcast we began with the investigation and then creating a podcast. I create a podcast with my own voice, this type of project that oneself is involved is very productive.
The valuable thing that i learned In technology class the most valuable thing that i learned is: Responsibility: because i have to see the wiki to make my homework and remember many things.
Investigate: I learn to investigate, because sujata don't tell us what we have to do but she always says me that i have to investigate to make a good work, so I learn to investigate every time I don't know something.