Please sit with your team Write your name on the yellow paper (everyone except ESL teachers) Place it in the baggie Shake it up and take turns choosing a name (except ESL teachers)
Session 4: Inquiry teams (Professional Learning Teams) meet to discuss observations and plan for first peer inter-visitation. Introduce peer inter-visitation Discuss the before/during/after of inter-visitation Discuss platform for sharing formative assessment and PLC examples (padlet)
Connect to Research American teachers spend 95% of their time teaching in isolation Studies of successful or improved school systems identify collaboration and teacher partners as the “missing link” De-privatize practice, enact shared learning, maintain an inquiry stance, creates a collaborative culture
Guidelines for Peer Inter-visitation Guidelines for Peer Inter-visitation It is about exploration, not criticism It is based on self-identified, often shared goals, and outcomes Teacher and observer can learn something from the experience Reflections lead to natural next steps Be positive Be reflective Stay focused on what you decided you would be looking for (inquiry focus) Learn from one another
Peer Inter-visitation The Structure for Peer Inter-visitation Before (pre-meeting) This will happen today and/or next week During (observing and taking notes based on pre meeting) Monday January 30th Plan on 15 minutes in each classroom After Feedback/Refection After visit and during Monday afternoon
This will happen today and/or next week Before (pre-meeting) This will happen today and/or next week
(observing and taking notes based on pre meeting) Monday January 30th During (observing and taking notes based on pre meeting) Monday January 30th Plan on 15 minutes in each classroom
(Feedback/reflection) After the visit (Feedback/reflection) Meet to debrief after visit. Then share with the team during the Monday inquiry time
Sharing Our Work
Final thoughts: Partners can plan their visits using the form I emailed you Each partner should have their own visitation form Remember to document what you do each meeting under your action plan I will be visiting teams next Monday to answer any questions Try to use the padlet