SAT Essay Don’t make it an option!
You will have 50 minutes to: Overview Unlike the Reading and Writing sections that ask what the passage says, the Essay asks you to explain how it (the author) says it The SAT does not care if you agree or disagree! Or what your opinion about the subject is! You will have 50 minutes to: 1) Read the passage and figure out the main argument, 2) Make an outline to show evidence that supports the argument 3) Determine what rhetorical devises are used AKA why a writer chose this way to write as opposed to another
Reasoning- what is the argument of the passage Focus on the Big 3 Reasoning- what is the argument of the passage Evidence- the facts, figures, anecdotes (stories) used to strengthen the argument Rhetoric- examine closer to determine the specific words and sentences that help deliver the argument. This includes the style or persuasive elements such as word choice, cadence (rhythm), or appeals to emotions to add power to the ideas expressed
Plan of Action Step 1: 5 minutes, read the passage determine a general argument Step 2: 8 minutes, Go back and outline the evidence and summarize each paragraph (use bullet points or shortened sentences) Step 3: 5 minutes, Review and analyze the rhetoric (word and phrase choices), Make labels in outline for Beginning, Middle and End and list what they are and how they’re used. Take notice to comparisons, changes, ?s, idioms (use the list in the packet for help spotting them) Note that Steps 2-3 can be combined to 10 minutes if you effectively underline and circle rhetoric when you go back for a closer look for your outline
*This is just a hyper-reduced version of your findings! Plan of Action Step 4: Organize a thesis for the introduction and conclusion paragraphs *This is just a hyper-reduced version of your findings! Here’s a template: In (author’s name)’s essay, he/she argues that (argument). To make (his/her) point, (he/she) cites (describe evidence), (rhetorical choice), (rhetorical choice), and (rhetorical choice). In Krumpf’s essay, he argues that video games do not help children develop as effectively as real-world games do. To make this point, he cites scientific studies and uses humorous contrast, rhetorical questions, and parallel structure.
Plan of Action Step 5: 30 minutes, Use the outline to write a 5 body paragraph essay Introduction- state thesis in 2-3 sentences (template) 1st Body paragraph- Write about the beginning of the passage (1st couple paragraphs). Summarize the argument. Point out evidence and how it’s used. Analyze how a few rhetorical choices deliver argument (6 sentences). 2nd Paragraph: Repeat same about middle paragraphs of passage (6 sentences) 3rd Paragraph: Repeat same about end of the passage (6 sentences) Conclusion: Restate your thesis (2-3 sentences)
Plan of Action Step 6: 2 minutes, Revise your writing Check your essay for mistakes in grammar, spelling and clarity Sometimes your conclusion ends up being a better point than what you originally wrote in your intro paragraph because we think as we write. So go back and make that intro even smarter with your new view.
Scoring You will be graded on 3 topics on a scale of 1-4 for each: Reading (did you understand the main idea) Analysis (did you understand the argument, how the evidence supports the argument and the rhetoric style of the author) Writing (how well your writing ability is) These are added by 2 readers so the scores will really range from 2-8 for each category (the goal is to get 8 in each) Example: Reader 1 gave 3-2-2 Reader 2 gave 4-3-2 Total Score- 7-5-4 This score is not added to the Reading, Writing/Language sections, it’s completely separate