Warm-Up #1 (1/6/16) World History? School? Your personal life? Welcome Back and Happy New Year! The great thing about a new year is a fresh start! What are your goals for this year for… World History? School? Your personal life?
Warm-Up #2 (1/7/16) Answer the questions from yesterday’s Divine Right reading: In the ideology of absolutism, the king is to carry out: A. the wishes of the people B. his own desires C. God’s purposes In the reading, the king is most compared to: A. God B. a father C. the Pope The writer expects a king to: A. act contrary to God’s laws B. have an elaborate court C. act responsibly The writer states that critics of absolutism believe that: A. people are basically good B. kings are divine and have the same power as God C. kings will use absolute power for their own ends The writer states that the will of the people is included in the will of: A. the king B. the nobility C. God The writer believes that people: A. are basically good B. need to be controlled C. should have freedom of speech
Warm-Up #3 (1/10/14) A U B T S I O S L M For each of the letters in the word ABSOLUTISM, give a word or phrase that starts with that letter that describes absolutism: A B S O L U T I S M
Warm-Up #4 (1/13/14) Answer the following questions based on Friday’s reading on Peter the Great: What event inspired Peter the Great to make changes in Russia? What are two ways that Peter tried to “westernize” Russia? What did beards symbolize to Peter? What did beards symbolize to Russian boyars? Was Peter’s decision fair? Why or Why not?
Warm-Up #5 (1/14/14) Based on the readings on Louis XIV, complete the following statement: “Louis XIV was _____________________ because __________________________.”
Warm-Up #6 (1/15/14) Match the description on the left with the term/person in the box on the right: French Protestants Local administrators who represented the crown Granted freedom of worship to French Protestants Ruler called “The Sun King” Louis XIII’s chief minister Established fixed rules for the French language Cardinal Richelieu Edict of Nantes French Academy Huguenots Intendants Louis XIII Louis XIV
Warm-Up #7 (1/16/14) Match the description on the left with the person in the box on the right: Henry the VIII’s Catholic daughter Henry VIII’s only son Henry VIII’s daughter who never married Heir to the English throne after Elizabeth I passed away James I Protestant grandson James I Catholic grandson James I James II Oliver Cromwell Charles II Edward VI Mary Elizabeth I
Warm-Up #8 (1/17/14) Use the political cartoon to answer the following questions: What is the main point the illustrator is trying to make? Identify symbols and their meanings. Describe any stereotypes.
Warm-Up #9 (1/20/16) Put the following events in correct chronological order (1-5) – try not to look back at your notes! Charles I is executed James I becomes King of England English Civil War Charles I dissolves Parliament Oliver Cromwell becomes the Lord Protector of England
Warm-Up #10 (1/22/16) Match the description on the left with the person in the box on the right: Believed the purpose of the gov’t was to protect the natural rights of its people Believed separation of powers were needed to keep gov’t from abusing power Believed people are naturally selfish and wicked and needed to be controlled by a ruler with absolute control Fought for freedom of religious belief and freedom of expression Argued that all people were equal and thought titles of nobility should be abolished Hobbes Locke Montesquieu Rousseau Voltaire