The Storm Mountain Incident Adverse Effects of Chemical Dust Control Larimer County, Colorado
Throughout 2003, 2004 and 2005 the Cedar Park Road Maintenance Corporation applied thousands of gallons of chemicals to a National Forest road in the Roosevelt National Forest in Larimer County, Colorado in an attempt to control dust.
These chemicals were applied on top of recycled asphalt with no precautions taken to prevent the run-off from contaminating private property and public waterways.
The result was oily pools and streams of chemical laden run-off, pouring onto private land and into the National Forest streams along the roadway.
This sludge, deposited on private land, is a result of chemical interactions occurring between the chemicals and the recycled asphalt leeching out toxic, heavy metals.
As the contamination washed through homeowners’ lands and into the streams, the authorities sat idly by and watched taking no action to prevent this from occurring repeatedly.
With local authorities unwilling to do so, private homeowners carefully gathered samples for testing at a reputable environmental consulting laboratory.
The results of these tests showed alarmingly high concentrations of toxic, heavy metals present in the run-off and sludge from the mixture on the roadway.
The numbers above are in PPM not PPB. Arsenic, Barium, and Chromium were all confirmed to be present in the sludge from the road mixture in extremely high concentrations. The numbers above are in PPM not PPB.
Ed Schemm, Larimer County Health Department Dale Miller, Larimer County Roads and Bridges Tom Gonzales, Larimer County Health Department Colorado Senator Steve Johnson Doug Benevento, Colorado Dept of Health & Environment Representative Marilyn Musgrave The Larimer County Board of Commissioners Linda Torgerson & James Bedwell, Roosevelt National Forest County, State, and Federal officials knew of the contamination but never once asked to see the test results. Instead they all chose to rely on irrelevant studies on deicers.
And the destruction continues with each rain washing more contaminates through homeowners’ properties leaving a path of death in it’s wake… Our beloved Ali, who was exposed to the runoff during 2003, died in May of 2005. A necroscopy performed by CSU indicated extensive intestinal cancer as the cause of death. Toxicology revealed high amounts of Arsenic in both her liver and kidneys. One can only ask, WHY IS THIS ALLOWED???
Necroscopy and Toxicology: The presentation you have just watched is based entirely on documented facts and test results of highly reputable entities. Sludge Testing: Stewart Environmental Consultants Fort Collins, Colorado Necroscopy and Toxicology: Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado
While those in favor of the use of Magnesium-chloride and other chemicals as dust control rely on studies of these chemicals in their limited use as a deicer, They cannot present one document concerning the safety of these chemicals in a 24hr a day/365 day per year situation, Nor can they present any documentation regarding the safety of these chemicals in combination with other potentially dangerous materials such as recycled asphalt. The “FACTS” you have just seen are real, and not “SPECULATION”!
We ask that you please act responsibly and stop the further use of these chemicals in this capacity immediately, and recommend that full, in-depth studies be conducted on the safety of these chemicals use in this specific type of situation, before any further damage is done. For the lives and future health of our environment, wildlife, and children truly lie in your hands…