JPL Airborne Snow Observatory and SnowEx Amanda Leon - Deputy DAAC Manager Jeff Deems – Science Liaison
Project Overviews: Airborne Snow Observatory PEOPLE Tom Painter (JPL), Principle Investigator MEASUREMENTS snow water equivalent, snow depth SPATIAL Basins in California, Colorado, Washington, Idaho TEMPORAL 2012 - Present Snow Off and Snow On campaigns PLATFORM Aircraft INSTRUMENTS LIDAR, Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) NASA/JPL, in partnership with the California Department of Water Resources, has developed the Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO), an imaging spectrometer and scanning lidar system, to quantify SWE and snow albedo, generate unprecedented knowledge of snow properties for cutting edge cryospheric science, and provide complete, robust inputs to water management models and systems of the future.
Project Overviews: SnowEx PEOPLE Ed Kim (GSFC), Project Scientist Amy Misakonis, Project Manager Charles Gatebe, Deputy Project Scientist MEASUREMENTS SWE, snow depth, albedo, snow extent, micro- and macro-snow & forest properties SPATIAL Year 1: Grand Mesa and Senator Beck, CO Year 3-5: TBD TEMPORAL Year 1: Snow Off Sept 2016; Snow On Feb 2017 Year 2: No Campaigns Year 3-5: 2018-2021 PLATFORM aircraft, ground-based remote sensing, ground measurements INSTRUMENTS Airborne: LIDAR, Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI), SnowSAR, AESMIR, CAR Ground: FMCW, magnaprobe, snow pits, terrestrial laser scanner, spectroscopy NASA SnowEx is a multi-year airborne snow campaign. Its goal is to collect multi-sensor observations plus ground truth to enable trade studies for snow satellite mission designs. Funded through NASA Terrestrial Hydrology Program
Data management experience Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX): Ground AMSR-E and SMAP Validation Field Campaigns Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX): Airborne Operation IceBridge Best Practices Lessons Learned Tools/Technology Other DAACs CLP-X IceBridge
Data management activities Data Creation Understand instruments, data products and data volumes Recommend data formats Perform in the field data and metadata QA Assist with creation of metadata files There’s an app for that (MetGen) Data Storage Establish data transfer protocols with each instrument team Data Sharing and Usage Gain insight into user community needs Create user product guides and develop discovery metadata Develop Web portals for data access and resources Create Store Use Share
Defining user communities Want data for a basin(s) of interest. Want specific measurement not driven by time or place. ASO SnowEx Want data within the current melt season. Applications Research Science Want data access, no driving latency requirements. Want higher level product. Want access to a range of processing levels. Want applications ready formats (e.g., GIS). Want or are willing to accept range of data formats.