Centrarchidae Andrew Perrige
Members of family Redear Sunfish Banded Sunfish Warmouth Mud Sunfish Longear Sunfish
How they are alike Beautiful colors & patterns “Pan” shaped Large eyes Dorsal fin has both spiny rays and soft-rayed pectoral fins are high on the side of the body They have ctenoid scales
In or out of Pennsylvania Members In Pennsylvania Green sunfish Blue spotted sunfish Black banded sunfish
Endangered Banded Sunfish Warmouth Longear Sunfish
Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus 8-9 inches 2 1/4 lbs back and sides are olive belly has a brassy-gold tint gill flap is black with yellow edge pectoral fins are short and rounded Large mouth, The top jaw extends past the front of the eye likes sluggish pools and backwaters in streams and rivers, might also be found in the shallows of ponds and lakes
Green Sunfish Found in all water sheds
Black Banded Sunfish Enneacanthus chaetodon 10 cm Small mouth About 6 Vertical dark banding dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are black-mottled Its sides have a bit of yellow
Black Banded Sunfish Delaware
Blue spotted Sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus 3.7 inches About 1 pound Dark “teardrop” band under eye Vertical dark banding Metallic blue spots on head,body, and vertical fins Mouth is terminal
Blue spotted Sunfish Susquehanna Delaware