Welcome To Our S.T.E.M. Let’s learn to explore our curiosity, become critical thinkers, work together solve some world problems!
CHAMPS for our Presentation Conversation Voice Level is 0 during the lesson/Voice Level 1 during Partner Time Help Questions are strongly encourage. Feel free raise your hand if you have a question. Activity We will learn the importance of engineering and learn how to have fun being creative, collaborative, critical thinkers, and problem solvers. Movement Please stay seated. You will walk during transitions. Participation We will be active listeners during the lesson and then time to interact at your tables. Success You will leave here with new engineering knowledge and skills.
Video – Click on Picture What is S.T.E.M.?
In our modern world, challenges are everywhere! How can we waste less? How can we build smarter and safer cars and trains... better roads and bridges? How do we understand the functioning of our brains? 50 minutes These are big ideas that engineers and scientists work on to help improve the world we live in.
Science is the knowledge covering general truths especially when tested with the scientific method.
Engineering is the science of developing nature's resources in ways that are useful to people.
Who are engineers? Engineers are people who solve problems and focus on making things work more efficiently and effectively. Video
What is the Difference Between a Scientist and an Engineer? Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.” Theodore Von- Karman, Aerospace Engineer
A ROCKET is a device that sends gas in one direction to move in the opposite direction
What are the parts of a rocket? The Nose Cone provides for an aerodynamic design The payload is the cargo or the crew The fins stabilize the rocket
How does a rocket work? A rocket burns fuel to make hot gases A rocket move forward when gases shooting out the back of the rocket push it in the opposite direction (up). The reaction force that sends a rocket forward is called THRUST
What is a multistage rocket? A multistage rocket is made up of several small rockets stacked on top of each other is called a multistage rocket. Each small rocket is called a stage. When one stage runs out of fuel, it drops off, and the next stage begins firing. At the end there is just a single stage left, which is the spacecraft (payload)
How are rockets used? Rockets are used to send spacecrafts into space. Examples are the Apollo missions, space shuttle, probes, and satellites.
Let’s Engineer a Balloon Rocket Balloon Rockets Supplies needed Balloon (long works better) String Plastic Straw Tape Link To Learning – Forces and Motion Changes the length of the balloon Change the size of the straw Change the angle of the string www.broogly.com
References: Astronomy, prentice hall publishers www.nasa.gov