HYDRAULIC SYTEM AND AIR COMPRESSOR Teknik Kendaraan Ringan X class sem 2th Dasar Kompetensi Kejuruan SK-KD NO 1 1/1 1/1
Target of Lesson Student can be understand component from hydraulic system Student can be test hydraulic system of motorcycle Student can be understand air compressor 2/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Basic Princple of Hydraulic 3/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Hydraulic System Flowchart Converter Of Mechanic Energy to Hydraulic Energy Mechanic Energy Source Converter Of Hydraulic Energy to Mechanic Energy RESULT OF IN THE FORM OF ENERGI MECHANIC FLUIDA 4/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Component Of System Hydraulic 1. Hydraulic Pump 5/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Component Of System Hydraulic 2. Filter 6/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Component Of System Hydraulic 3. Relief Valve 7/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Component Of System Hydraulic 4. Hydraulic Cylinder Single Barrel Cylinder Double Barrel Cylinder 8/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Component Of System Hydraulic 5. Actuator 9/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Component Of System Hydraulic 6. Hydraulic Hose & Pipe Pipe House 10/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Kinds of Hydraulic Fluid Straight Meneral Oils Rust and Oxidation (R & O) Oils Anti Wear Oils Improvid V.I. Oils Combined Hydraulic / Slideway Oils Automatic Transmission Fluids 11/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Condition of Hydraulic fluid Can prevent the happening of corrosion Not form effervescence Can prevent to be formed its of sediment mud Not easy to have compound with water Heatresistantly Stabilize and is durable 12/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Trouble At Hydraulic System Hose/pipe break 13/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Trouble At Hydraulic System Leaky Oil Seal functioning Oil Seal prevent leakage at hydraulic system have to always checked periodically. Oil Seal part of cylinder is most critical, because always go out to enter. 14/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Gangguan Pada Sistem Hidrolik Existence of spurious air Existence of spurious air at hidraulik system can boost up temperature because if air depressed, temperarure will go up At pressure 140 kg/cm2 air temperature can reach 110 degree of Celcius. If this that happened do step expenditure of air step through available nipel or spillway. 15/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Hydraulic System For Motorcycle 16/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Function to lift motorbike when repair it Bike Lift Function to lift motorbike when repair it 17/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Shock Absober 18/33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Brake System Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Air Compresor Concept Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Definition Compressor is Compress device or air compression equally compressor is compressed air producer. Because compression process, air has higher level dividing valve Compared to area air pressure (1 atm). Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Construction Cylinder Inlet valve Exhaust valve V-belt Air Tank Air Exhaust Teknologi dan Rekayasa
How To Work Inlet Stroke Compressor inlet air because dividing valve in platen lower than 1 atm Exhaust valve Connecting rod Inlet valve Cylinder Teknologi dan Rekayasa
How To Work Compression Stroke Air in compressor is compression, pressure and air temperatur increase Teknologi dan Rekayasa
How To Work Exhaust Stroke Because compress atmospheric pressure, valve to external opened and compressed air out cylindrical Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Classification Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Compressor Type Vane Compressor Shaft Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Compressor Type Root Type Compressor External Root Drive Shaft Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Compressor Type Screw or Pitch Type Compressor Pitch Air Pressure Flow Drive shaft Air Pressure Flow Pitch Screw or Pitch Type Compressor Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Compressor Type Single Work Piston Compressor Crankshaft Main Bearing Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Compressor Type Double Work Piston Compressor Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Compressor Type 1 Level Centrifugal Compressor Blade Compressor House Bearing Blade Shaft Compressor House Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Compressor Type Multi Level Compressor Many blade Air Compression Out Bearing Axis Air Intake Many blade Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Air Compression Usage Atmosphere filler at bicycle tubed tire or car Impurity sprayer at machine parts Brake at bus and Train Pneumatic door at bus and Train Atmosphere donor at aquarium Fans for air conditioner Blower for stove blower Fan ventilator Compressed air at painting Mobile hoist pneumatis Transportasi gas solid pneumatically at chemical industry Teknologi dan Rekayasa
The End Teknologi dan Rekayasa