Supporting the Humanitarian Response to the refugee influx in Cox’s Bazar District
Overview of REACH intervention REACH teams arrived in CXB on Sept 22nd to support humanitarian response, in partnership with GWC To date REACH’s has conducted assessments in spontaneous and makeshift settlements through field data collection and analysis of sat imagery (with UNOSAT) REACH will plans to support the humanitarian response in three phases : Phase 1: Rapid Situation Overview Phase 2: Support to Response Planning at Site and Sector level Phase 3: Promoting sustainable settlements
Phase 1: Rapid Situation Overview What: Regular snapshot of each site/area on infrastructure Why: Dynamic environment of continued population influx and movement and.. Prevalence of uncoordinated humanitarian support Where: selected refugee spontaneous sites / makeshift settlements When: baseline sweep ongoing, moving to bi-weekly cycles
Phase 1: Rapid Situation Overview How: Two sets of parallel activities for each site/zone (a) Establishment of shelter footprint : Identification of satellite (or UAV) imagery Outlining and mapping of shelters The activity is conducted with UNOSAT by 2 dedicated Geneva based staff
Phase 1: Rapid Situation Overview
Phase 1: Rapid Situation Overview How: Two parallel activities for each site/zone (a) Establishment of shelter footprint : (b) Infrastructure mapping Identification and categorisation of WASH and other infrastructure at site level The activity is conducted through a team of trained field enumerators (currently 46, increasing to 60 +/-), and two field based REACH international staff (one Assmt / one GIS)
Phase 1: Rapid Situation Overview
Phase 1: Update on our progress Cluster Zone Infra Data Collection Date Hakimpara-Jamtoli-Baggoha Jamtoli Complete Hakimpara Baggoha / Potibonia Uchiprong / Roikhong 14 oct. Leda-Nayapara Leda 15 oct. Kutupalong Extension Balukhali MS 10-oct. Burma para / Tasnimarkhola AA 13-oct. BB 12-oct. CC DD 11-oct. EE FF GG HH KK II JJ LL MM NN SS TT Kutupalong MS 14-15 Oct
Camp/Site mapping process review Collect Satellite Imagery Every day, in Geneva, UNOSAT verify the availability and the quality of new satellite imagery Analyse Satellite Imagery Based on the available imagery, the camp/site is analysed to identify and map all existing shelters and major constructions Collect Infrastructure Data At field level, a team of REACH enumerator « sweep » systematically the camps/sites to collect location and data on all existing infrastructures Map and Analyse Infrastructure data Sat imagery analysis plus infrastructure data are overlayed through maps Gaps are identified to inform site level planning
Infrastructure Mapping EASY: Android Smart Phones loaded with Open Data Kit Teams collect location and attribute data for infrastructure in the field (offline), then synch to Kobo Server once back to their office WHY: Allows centralization and access to data collected by multiple people/ partners
Infrastructure Mapping – Kobo Server
Phase 2: Support to Response Planning at Site and Sector level What: Continuation of current infrastructure mapping activities, supported by Site Management Sector Where: Selected refugee spontaneous sites / makeshift settlements – focusing on emergent settlements south of Kutupalong When: Beginning approx. 17 Oct, conducted in bi-weekly cycles until 31 Dec