Revelation 17:14 (NKJV) 14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”
Knowing God’s Word Revelation
Knowing God’s Word Last week we took a look at the epistle of Jude, written to encourage Christians to “contend for the faith” This week we move onto the epistle of Revelation Revelation is the 27th book in the NT and is the only book of Prophecy
Knowing God’s Word John is the author of this epistle (1:1-2) This John is the one “who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw” This indicates that it would be the apostle John, brother of James and author of the John’s
Knowing God’s Word John finds himself on the island of Patmos as the book opens (1:9) He had been exiled there “for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” (1:9) John hears a voice that tells him what to write, as well as seeing a vision that brings us what we have in Revelation
Knowing God’s Word Revelation is the Greek word apokalupsis meaning an uncovering, a laying bare, to make fully known; to take out of hiding Revelation uncovers things to come through symbols, signs, imagery and visions the impending persecution facing the church and God’s judgment on them It was written to warn and give them hope
Knowing God’s Word From 200 B.C. until 200 A.D. apocalyptic writing was very common among the Jews, patterned largely after the writing of Daniel There are 3 OT books that are apocalyptic: Daniel Ezekiel Zechariah
Knowing God’s Word All 3 OT books were written during a time when Israel was under or coming under the rule of others Daniel & Ezekiel – Babylonian Empire Zechariah – Persian rule The 3 wrote to instruct, to encourage in a time of extreme hardship, and to prepare them for further trials
Knowing God’s Word There are two schools of thought when it comes to the date of the writing The early date puts it around 64-68 AD, during the reign of the Roman emperor Nero The late date puts it around 91-96 AD, during the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian
Knowing God’s Word It should be clear that the things written in Revelation were “things which must shortly take place” (1:1) It is mentioned later in 1:3 that “the time is near” Again, it is stated that the time for these things was very near (22:6, 10)
Knowing God’s Word Compare this with Daniel 8:26 where he was told to “seal up” his vision, “for it refers to many days in the future” John was told “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand” (22:10) This could not be true if these things were to happen 2000 years later
Knowing God’s Word The purpose of the book was to reveal “things which must shortly come to pass” It was written to instruct and inform, to encourage and implore What we should gain from this book is that God will be triumphant over all things in the end, and His faithful with Him
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in Revelation: 1:1-3 1:5 1:9-11 2:10 3:15-16, 20 4:9-11
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in Revelation: 5:9-14 7:15-17 12:9-11 14:12-13 17:14 19:10
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in Revelation: 20:10 20:11-15 21:1-4 21:8 21:22-27 22:5
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in Revelation: 22:8-9 22:14-15 22:18-19
Knowing God’s Word Divisions of Revelation: Prologue (1:1-8) The Seven Churches (1:9-3:22) The Seven Seals (4:1-8:1) The Seven Trumpets (8:2-11:19) The Seven Mystic Figures (12-14) The Seven Vials (15-16)
Knowing God’s Word Divisions of Revelation: The Sevenfold Judgment (17:1-19:10) The Sevenfold Triumph (19:11-22:5) Epilogue (22:6-21)