Equipment simplified model SMR UR safety P. Fessia, Y. Muttoni and the integration team Presented by P. Fessia
Simplified model
The problem Machine integration uses 3D models to put together all the different equipment in order to check that there are no interferences (physical and with reserved space), to simulate interventions In the LHC for a tunnel section we have Tunnel walls General services Cryogenics Magnet or other equipment on the beam Racks Cabling Reserved space (transport/alignement) Each of these are models to be put together. If each of this is several Gb the final model cannot be handled and we do not need all the internal feature needed for design
Example of simplified modeI I
Example of Simplified models II
Request from now ahead Each WP and tasks shall provide the simplified model for integration to the integration team There will be several version according to how the model advance. Do not wait the last one Ask explicitly to the mechanical design office to take this request into account. They are not necessarily accounting for it and it will be few extra hours Hot to develop them Y. Muttoni has prepared a guideline procedure to help preparing them (there are tricks on reference system to be taken into account, facets etc). This document will provide 70% of the answers There are features that are depending from the functional integration requirement from system to system. Please tell your designer/ engineering charge to discuss the level of simplification with Y. Muttoni Till now we did for part of the system needed for LS2 to speed up the process. Thanks to take this in charge from now ahead
SMR Space Modification Requests are documents to propose and track changes in the integration baseline. This could also involve modifications of other infrastructures and impact other WP. If approved by the project office then it originates an ECR that could request more info then the SMR For the moment applied to the new HL underground structures and to the surface ones We want to trace cost increases, decreases, extra cost limitations and transfer of budget between WPs Managed in SharePoint
SMR under discussion N object WP requesting WP involved 2 UL displacement P5 WP6A, WP3 WP6B, WP7, WP9, WP17.1 3 4 Underground infrastructure P1 (metallic structures, platforms, iron support) WP15 (WP4, WP9, WP17.2, WP17.3) WP4, WP9, WP17.1, WP17.2, WP17.3 5 Underground infrastructure P5 (metallic structures, platforms, iron support) 6 PM17 infrastructures (cable trays and smoke extraction system) WP17.2, WP17.3 WP9, WP15, WP17.1, WP17.2, WP17.3 7 PM57 infrastructure (cable trays and smoke extraction system) 8 SD57 cryo routing under floor WP9, WP15 WP9, WP15, WP17.1
SMR under discussion N object WP involved 9 Technical galleries and HL building interfaces P1 WP15 (WP4, WP9, WP17.2, WP17.3) WP4, WP9, WP17.1, WP17.2, WP17.3 10 Technical galleries and HL building interfaces P5 11 Modification loading carrying structure SD 17 and SD metallic structure 12 Modification loading carrying structure SD 57 and SD metallic structure
Electrical safety for HL underground
15/09/2017 first discussion On the 15/09/2017 we will have a first hour of discussion on the electrical safety guidelines to be applied for the design of the electrical system to be installed in the UR. I recall you that the project baseline, for which we are investing a lot of money, is to have access in beam that means with circuit fully powered. We shall ensure people safety already in the design phase in order to avoid costly, time consuming and voluminous retrofit. It is important that everyone is on the same page Following the first discussion we will see how to go ahead in this crucial activity All systems are concerned with different level of impact and therefore if you, as WPL or task leader, cannot come please send a knowledgeable and accountable representative. Here my very personal list WP6a: main actors, i.e. present LHC design of connection between water cooled cables and DFBA would not be acceptable and the DFH system shall take into account the safety requirement in the design WP 17.2: main actor: all the cables and the connection and transformers WP6B: main actor as part of the circuit system WP7: quench protection WP4: installation of the RF equipment in the UA WP9: cryogenic is in the proximity: possible secondary risk could be generated by electrical accident. WP17.3: CV as for cryogenic