A Focus on Some Key Passages ACT II A Focus on Some Key Passages Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
Act of Communion What do we learn about the Putnam’s relationship from their interaction on page 50-51? Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
p.52 What is the state of the trial at this point? How do we know this is being taken very seriously Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
Biblical Allusion – p.52 “Abigail brings the other girls into the court, and where she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel” The allusion is to Moses who parted the seas of Israel for the Israelites to escape from the Pharaoh’s armies. What does this allusion tell us? The allusion allows the reader to understand the magnitude of Abigail’s power over the people of Salem. Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
Read 53-55 “Oh, It is a black mischief” to “when I come into this house!“ Proctor Elizabeth Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
p.56 What does Mary bring Elizabeth? What is the state of the trial at this point? Who has confessed? Who has been sentenced to hang? Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
Irony “It’s strange work for a Christian girl to hang old women!” (p.58) How is this quote ironic? Who says it and what is it in reference to? Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
p.61 What does Elizabeth explain to Proctor about the promise made in any bed? Why is he so resistant to hearing this? Explain what is meant by “monstrous profit”? Why is it more dangerous to call out Goody Proctor’s name over someone like Goody Good? Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
Read 62 “When will you know me” to “you know it well” Proctor Elizabeth Do you think Elizabeth is right? Why? Why is Proctor so angry? Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html
Multiple Choice Select your answers independently Compare your answers with a group Does everyone agree? Explain your thinking. Discuss each question and agree on an answer Share your answer with the class Art Courtesy Of: http://holyartbatman.blogspot.ca/2010/03/crucible-t-shirt-design.html