Industrial Revolution Section 2 Chapter 25 Industrial Revolution Section 2
Industrialization Changes Life Higher wages Many things became more affordable Industrial Cities Rise Urban areas now doubled/quadrupled Factories Develop Most important city was London By 1800 the population was over 1 million Vast labor pool and new industry
Living/Working Conditions No development plans, sanitary codes, or building codes. Lack of protection from outsiders Unpaved streets, no drains, garbage was not collected Disease rapidly swept through Great Britain Increased factory production=Longer hours for workers Machines injured workers Most dangerous job was in the coal mines
Class Structure Middle Class: skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers Upper middle class: government employees, doctors, lawyers, managers Lower middle class: toolmakers, mechanical drafters, printers Working class: watched machines slowly replace them Luddites: group of workers who destroyed machinery
Positive Effects of the Industrial Revolution Created Jobs Contributed to the wealth of the Nation Helped with invention and technological process Increased the production of goods Raised standard of living Improved many lives Healthier diets Better housing Better clothing Created educational opportunities Better wages/shorter hours