Theodore de Bry
Theodore de Bry
English arrive in Virginia (published 1590)
French arrive in Florida published 1591
Crudelitas Petride Calyceerga Indos (Spanish Punish the Indians) From Theodore De Bry, Grand Voyages, Vol. IV, 1625 The Library at The Mariners' Museum
"Discovering the New World, of THEODORE de BRY's Native American Engraving as it was seen and drawn by Le MOYNE in 1560's America in "Discovering the New World, based on the works of THEODORE de BRY" Edited by MICHAEL ALEXANDER, New York, Harper & Row © 1976 source: At this website, click on small image for larger image, and click on larger image for description
The manner of making their boats in Virginia is very wonderful The manner of making their boats in Virginia is very wonderful. For whereas they want instruments of iron, or others like unto ours, yet they know how to make them as handsomely, to sail with where they list in their rivers, and to fish withall, as ours.
A briefe and true report of the new found land Thomas Hariot (1560-1621) A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia . . . Frankfurt am Main, anno (1590) 46 pp., 34 plates
Theodore de Bry (1528-1598) Great and Small Voyages Frankfurt: n.p., 1590-1634, 26 vols. in 10