Brevard Public Schools Services to Parentally Placed Private School Students PPPSS March 15, 2017 Hi! My name is Shereen Luchten-ESE Coordinator for Student Services. We will start with some housekeeping, bathrooms are located in the next pod. You should have a couple of handouts. A PowerPoint presentation and a form to provide input that you will complete at the end of this presentation. I would like to introduce some guests: Felicia Aldridge and Amanda Carleton, Staffing Specialists for Private Schools, and Lena Farnam, Secretary for Private Schools and McKay Scholarships. I would like to get an idea of the audience members. Please introduce yourself, private school name and representative or parent. Any questions before we begin. I will start with the presentation in reference to Parentally Placed Private School Students in grades KG-12th. 03/15/2017
Definitions LEA – Local Educational Agency Brevard Public Schools (BPS) SEA – State Education Agency Florida Department of Education ESE – Exceptional Student Education FAPE – Free Appropriate Public Education PPPSS-Parentally Placed Private School Students SP – Service Plan Written statement of services that the LEA will provide to a disabled student who is a PPPSS at a non-profit private school I will be using these acronyms through the presentation: LEA-Local Educational Agency-School Board of Brevard County SEA-State Education Agency-Florida Department of Education ESE-Exceptional Student Education FAPE-Free Appropriate Public Education PPPSS-Parentally Placed Private School Students SP-Service Plan 03/15/2017
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - IDEA Federal legislation provides for special education and related services to students with disabilities. District has a Child Find responsibility to identify disabled students A proportionate share of IDEA funds are set aside for disabled students enrolled in non-profit private schools. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act provides for special education and related services to students with disabilities. The district has a responsibility to identify all disabled students. A proportionate share of the IDEA funds are set aside every year to disabled students enrolled in non-profit private schools. The district is not required to provide any services to parentally placed private school students that attend a for-profit private school. 5/29/2018 03/15/2017
Child Find The public school district (LEA) is responsible for taking referrals and screening or evaluating students enrolled in private schools who are suspected of having a disability. The referral for this evaluation is made by the parent or private school representative to BPS. The private school assists BPS with the referral, interventions, and data collection as appropriate. Brevard Public Schools is responsible for taking referral and screening or evaluating students who are enrolled in private schools suspected of having a disability. If a parent or a private school representative would like to make a referral you would either contact Amanda Carleton or Felicia Aldridge-Assigned Staffing Specialists to private schools. The private school assists the parent with the referral as appropriate. 03/15/2017
Referral for Screening/Evaluation BPS schedules an Individual Problem Solving Team (IPST) meeting with the parent to discuss the parent’s and/or private school’s concerns. BPS tries to schedule these meetings at the private school to ensure participation from the classroom teacher. Once the parent has requested a referral, BPS will schedule an Individual Problem Solving Team meeting with the parent to discuss their concerns at the private school. The Individual Problem Solving Team, that includes the parent, classroom teacher and private school representative, recommends interventions, screenings and/or evaluations. Any questions about requesting an evaluation from BPS? 03/15/2017
Services to Students in Private Schools IDEA Proportionate Share A disabled student, enrolled in non-profit private school by his/her parents, may receive services from the District through a Service Plan. An identified disabled student enrolled in a non-profit private school by his/her parents, may receive services from the district through a Service Plan. 03/15/2017
Service Plans 03/15/2017
What is Included on a Service Plan? SPs reflect only the services that the LEA has determined it will provide to the student. SPs never reflect services that are provided to the student by private school personnel. The Service Plan only reflects the services the LEA (District) has determined it will provide to the student. The Service Plan never reflects services that are provided to the student by the private school personnel, example test or class accommodations. Any questions about Service Plans? 03/15/2017
Service Plan Meetings The classroom teacher from the private school is invited to attend the Service Plan meeting. If the classroom teacher of the private school cannot attend, the LEA uses other methods to ensure participation by the classroom teacher such as conference telephone calls and/or written input. If the classroom teacher does not attend the meeting nor provides written input, the SP meeting would need to be rescheduled. Initial SP meetings will be held at a centrally located public school. The classroom teacher from the private school must be invited to the Service Plan meeting. If the classroom teacher of the private school cannot attend the meeting, the LEA uses other methods to ensure participation by the teacher such as conference calls and /or written input. The classroom teacher can participate via phone. If the classroom teacher does not attend the meeting or provides written input, the SP meeting would need to be rescheduled. We have had many instances that this has happened. Please help us in making sure the classroom teacher can attend the meeting or provide written input. 03/15/2017
Consideration of Services When a private school or parent requests services for an already identified Exceptional Student Education (ESE) student, a meeting is scheduled to consider developing a Service Plan. When a private school or parent requests services for an already identified ESE student, a meeting is scheduled to consider developing a Service Plan. 03/15/2017
Private School Students The LEA provides selected and agreed upon special education and/or related services to students enrolled in non-profit private schools through a Service Plan. The LEA (a BPS representative) at the Service Plan meeting provides selected and agreed upon special education and/or related services to students enrolled in non-profit private schools. 03/15/2017
Private School Students and FAPE PPPSS have no entitlement to receive special education and related services from the public school district (FAPE). Public School Districts are not required to develop a SP for every PPPSS with a disability. Parentally Placed Private School Students have no entitlement to receive special education and related services from the district. Public school districts are not required to develop a Service Plan for every parentally placed private school student with a disability. Services may vary from school district to school district. 03/15/2017
Services to Brevard Private School Students in 2016/17 # Disabled Students in Public Schools 11,297 # Disabled Students in Private School 668* # Disabled Students in Brevard County 11,965 Total Federal Fund Allocation-2016/2017 $15,961,829 Proportionate Share Allocation $891,364.00 *This number excludes ESE students attending for-profit schools, McKay students dismissed from all ESE programs and McKay students not participating in the reevaluation process. This is the IDEA proportionate share allocation for the 2016-2017 school year for PPPSS at nonprofit private schools. 03/15/2017
Services to Brevard Private School Students in 2017/18 # Disabled Students in Public Schools 13,070 # Disabled Students in Private School 721* # Disabled Students in Brevard County 13,791 Total Federal Fund Allocation-2017/2018 $15,996,584 Proportionate Share Allocation $836,309* *This number excludes ESE students attending for-profit schools, McKay students dismissed from all ESE programs and McKay students not participating in the reevaluation process. Updated 6/2/2017 This proportionate share calculation is based on the IDEA grant for the 2016-2017 school year. The FLDOE has not provided us with the grant amount for the 2017-2018 school year. Once this is finalize the information will be posted on BPS website<Departments<Exceptional Education<Private Schools. Any questions about the proportionate share funds? 03/15/2017
Proportionate IDEA Share Funds Cannot be paid directly to a private school Cannot be used for repairs, remodeling, or construction of private school facilities What if Funds are Insufficient? Direct services to students from therapists will be projected and funded for the entire school year. Funding for materials/equipment could be affected if the demand exceeds the IDEA proportionate share. Remember IDEA proportionate share funds cannot be paid directly to a private school, be used for repairs, remodeling or construction of private school facilities. Direct services to students from therapists will be projected and funded for the entire year. Funding for materials/equipment could be affected if the demand exceeds the IDEA proportionate share funds. 03/15/2017
ESE Teachers-Consultation for Services and/or Curriculum Decisions Services that can be on a Service Plan for the 2016/17 School Year for Students Attending Non-Profit Private Schools Speech Therapy (grades K-12 in public school setting or selected private school setting grades K-4) Language Therapy (grades K-12 in public school setting or selected private school setting grades K-4) ESE Teachers-Consultation for Services and/or Curriculum Decisions 03/15/2017
Services that Can be Considered on a Service Plan for the 2016/17 School Year for Students Attending Non-Profit Private Schools Assistive Technology Selected Equipment and Materials* Psychological Services Transition Services In-Service-Training for Private School Personnel *as of 10/13/16 and/or if equipment is still operable or repairable under warranty 03/15/2017
ESE Teachers-Consultation for Services and/or Curriculum Decisions Services that Can be Considered on a Service Plan for the 2017/18 School Year for Students Attending Non-Profit Private Schools Speech Therapy (grades K-12 in public school setting or selected private school setting grades K-TBD) Language Therapy (grades K-12 in public school setting or selected private school setting grades K-TBD) ESE Teachers-Consultation for Services and/or Curriculum Decisions If you do not have a SLP providing services at your school and would like the district to look at possibly sending one pending your caseload, please document this on the input form. We would also like to know of any specific trainings that you would like the district to consider providing to your teachers that work with ESE students. Please provide written input if there are any other services you would like the district to consider to provide to the ESE students at your school. After we collect input from you, the Directors will make a final determination of the ESE services to be provided for the 2017/2018 school year. Private Schools will receive a letter notifying of these services in July. 03/15/2017
Selected Equipment and Materials Psychological Services Services that Can be Considered on a Service Plan for the 2017/18 School Year for Students Attending Non-Profit Private Schools Assistive Technology Selected Equipment and Materials Psychological Services Transition Services In-Service-Training for Private School Personnel 03/15/2017
Complaints An organization or individual may file a written complaint alleging that the School District (LEA) failed to engage in meaningful or timely consultation or did not consider the views of the private school official. An organization or individual may file a written complaint alleging that the School District (LEA) failed to engage in meaningful or timely consultation or did not consider the views of the private school official. 03/15/2017
Complaints The complaint must provide the basis of the belief that the LEA did not comply with the consultation requirements. The written complaint is given to the LEA. The LEA forwards the complaint to the State Educational Agency (SEA). The complaint must be able to provide the basis of the belief that the LEA did not comply with the consultation requirements. The written complaint is given to the LEA (district). The LEA forwards the complaint to the State Educational Agency (SEA). 03/15/2017
Questions/Concerns Written input from parents and private school representatives Any questions? Please complete the attached form to provide us with input. 03/15/2017
Request for Service Plans for the 2017-2018 School Year 03/15/2017
Service Plan Request Request for Service Plans for ESE students attending a non-profit private school In July, you will receive a letter with the Services to be provided by the District for the PPPSS for the 2017-2018 school year Please complete the information for students the District should contact the parent to offer services on a Service Plan and students currently on a Service Plan. 03/15/2017
Service Plan Request Initial Service Plan requests meetings will be held on centralized locations. Private school teacher(s) can participate via phone or provide written input. Current locations* Clearlake Education Center, Cocoa Johnson Middle School, Melbourne Palm Bay High School, Palm Bay *locations are subject to change for the 2017-2018 school year 03/15/2017
John M. McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities Program 03/15/2017
Florida Department of Education McKay link or 03/15/2017
Three Year Reevaluation Meetings for McKay Students District is required to provide reevaluation notification to parents of scholarship students at least once every three years. Meetings will be held throughout the school year at centralized locations. ESE teachers will contact private schools with dates and times for meetings as well as obtain input from private school teachers if they cannot attend the meeting. 03/15/2017
Revocation of McKay Scholarship A McKay student who currently attends a participating private school will forfeit the scholarship if he or she: Is in DJJ more than 21 days Enters home education Returns to public school- including summer programs, evening programs, or any service for which FTE is reported (ex. Driver’s Education) 03/15/2017
Receives a Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Participates in a private tutoring program pursuant to s. 1002.43, F.S. Receives a Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Participates in Gardiner Scholarship Takes more than two virtual school courses (that receive state funding) Enrolled in the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind 03/15/2017
School Board of Brevard County Private School Contacts Office of Administrative Support Services 321-633-1000 ext.505 Shereen Luchten, Coordinator ESE Administrative Support Please call us if you have any questions after the meeting. Please complete the forms provided to you and leave them on your way out. Any questions? 03/15/2017
Private School Trainings Discussion of training opportunities for private school teachers 03/15/2017