Publishing on JACoW I ask for a single file that I can download or a CD which contains a complete set of files for publication. The internet is good enough that I can reliably download 400-500 Mbytes and then un-pack the file. I make a few checks that the JACoW criteria for publication have been complied with – especially correct filling of the hidden fields. The JACoW server is mapped as a network drive from my PC and I simply copy the files across (maybe 30 minutes).
Technical Requirements - I Paper Size The text (170mm by 241mm) is centred on paper which is A4 wide by US letter high - this will print well all over the world. This particular paper size is set during the processing of the files by changing the media box (PitStop Action). Page Layout We have the text centred on the page and each page carries a page number and conference name (and in some cases copyright information). Performance Issues Any individual page should display in less than about 5 seconds on a 'normal' specification computer.
Technical Requirements - II Hidden Fields These fields are used so that our search engine on the website is more efficient and people can make Boolean searches. The fields are: Title with anglicized characters (in general, no math or foreign characters); Author list without affiliations; Subject - variable but often the classification given by the conference; Keywords - list of up to 5 keywords derived by a script from the PDF file contents. Finished PDF files The finished files are set to open with Fit Width setting and thumbnails are generated. Type 3 fonts We make a maximum effort to avoid type 3 fonts in our PDF files. The main source for these is LaTeX but it can be avoided completely if the LaTeX is processed in the correct environment. Indexes Indexes or 'wrapper' files (author index and table of contents) are required for each conference in HTML form in order to load them on the website.
Second Stage Edit the JACoW home page (20 minutes) to include links to the new proceedings in the JavaScript. Check box in the search form. Edit the script (5 minutes) which handles the interface to the search engine. Add a link (2 minutes) on the new HTML page listing all conferences. Wait a week or so and check that the indexing has worked.
Home Page
New List of Proceedings
The Search Engine Interface 'NEW SEARCH ENGINE (AFTER 07-NOV-2001) searchEngineUrl= Dim query ' All conferences If Request.Form("allconf") <> "y" Then ' PAC 1965 If Request.Form("confp65") <> "y" Then query=query & "+" & Server.URLEncode ("-url:p65") End If ' PAC 1967 If Request.Form("confp67") <> "y" Then query=query & "+" & Server.URLEncode ("-url:p67") ' PAC 1969 If Request.Form("confp69") <> "y" Then query=query & "+" & Server.URLEncode ("-url:p69") …