Introduction to Proactive Care Getting Started
WELCOME TO INTRODUCTION TO PROACTIVE CARE Production Guidance: Add the general instruction how to use the eLearning module
Module Objectives By the end of this module, you will be able to: Describe the Proactive Care business context and benefits. . Explain the Proactive Care use cases. Describe the Agent Recommendation Toolbox Navigation. Production Guidance: Use objectives 1 template
TOPICS Introduction: Proactive Care business context and benefits Use cases for Guided Business flow Agent Recommendation Toolbox Navigation What do I remember? Production Guidance: Updated slide according to the template.
Proactive Care: Common Scenario 1 Jackson received an SMS from Optus that his account is overdue: Friendly reminder, your bill for account 12345678912345 is overdue. Please pay $90.00 using your preferred payment option or pay online at Please ignore this SMS if you have paid in the last 48hrs. Thanks, Optus 2 Production note: NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR YOU!!!! DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBEDS! Production Guidance: Base on template: TEXT PAGE 1. Text & images: gradual exposure (according to the numbers in the circles) NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR YOU!!!! DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBERS ON THE SCREEN! Jackson is certain he has paid his bill so he contacts Optus… 3
Hi, I just received an SMS about my bill... Proactive Care: Common Scenario Click the numbered circles on the left to view the scenario: Hi Jackson, How can I help you? Let me have a look at that for you… 1 3 Hi, I just received an SMS about my bill... 2 Please do not display the numbers. Pick up the dialogue 1. Delete the instruction. Production Guidance: Base on template: DIALOGUE 1. DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBERS!
Zoom on highlighted section. Proactive Care Scenario I can see you have a balance Owing. The last payment we received was last month. Would you like me to take a payment for you now? 1 Production note: Zoom on highlighted section. Ohhh... Sorry I must have forgotten, yes can I pay it with you now? Production Guidance: Base on template: DIALOGUE 1. DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBERS! Zoom on highlighted section. 2
How can we help Customers more effectively? Did you notice that we were able to predict the reason for the customer’s call in real-time via the Interaction Home page? Your challenges: Challenge resolution: You have to be able to quickly identify the customer inquiries that might motivate him/her to contact you with these issues, and provide the efficient solution. Motivation Layer info in slide 10 Recommended actions: Layer info in slide 9 You can now see the predicted motivation and perform the recommended actions to resolve the customer’s issues during a real-time interaction. Production Guidance: Base on template: WELCOME TO This slide has layers (see layer 1: sl.9, layer 2: sl.10) ? icon is an action button. It triggers layer exposure with related information when the user clicks! ? recommended actions : Layer 1 in slide 9 ? Motivation: Layer 2 in slide 10 This slide should be linked to sl.11 There is an action button on the button of the screen that triggers the exposure of sl.11 (see production note on the screen). Production note: This is an action button. When user selects it – go to slides 11 and related layers (sl.12-13). Want to learn more about the Proactive Care benefits?
When user clicks the yellow box – display the text in white. This is LAYER 1 for sl.8!!! Production note: Recommended Actions A set of actions you can take if the customer is calling for the predicted reason. The list of recommended actions is displayed in the Recommended Actions section of the Interaction Toolbox. Each motivation has its own list of related Recommended Actions. For example: For Pay Bill motivation, you will see the following Recommended Actions: Click each Recommended Action to see which page it launches. Opens Immediate Payment page Pay Bill Set up one-time direct debit View bill Link to previous payments Link to SOP Link to BAR Overview Opens Set Up One-Time Direct Debit page Opens Billing Document for agent to view bill details Opens Payments tab on FA Overview Opens SOP web page Opens the BAR Overview page When user clicks the yellow box – display the text in white. Production note: Production Guidance: Base on template: TEXT PAGE 2 This is LAYER 1 for sl.8!!! 9
This is LAYER 2 for sl.8!!! Production note: Motivation Motivation (or account prediction) is a prediction regarding the possible reasons for a customer’s call. It is detected by the system using the customer’s billing data. The list of top motivations (up to 3) is displayed in the Account Predictions section of the Interaction Toolbox. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEXT PAGE 2 This is LAYER 2 for sl.8!!! 10
2.This slide should be connected to sl.8! Proactive Care Solutions for you 2.This slide should be connected to sl.8! Production note: 1.This sl. Has 3 layers! See sl.12-13 Proactive Care leverages the knowledge about the customers charges, to anticipate the reason for the customers enquiry: We can predict what a Customer may be contacting Optus about, and then send the Customer a notification to assist them to take the best action. Proactive Care guides an agent with recommended actions when a Customer calls in. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEXT PAGE 2 This slide (with all it’s layers) should be connected to sl.8!!! This sl. has 3 layers: when user clicks a number the relevant layer exposed. See the content of the explanation boxes on sl.13 See the appearance of the explanation box for all the layers in sl.12. 1 2 3 Click each number to see how Proactive Care helps you. 11
Just an example of what happens when user clicks a number! Proactive Care Solutions for you Production note: Slide 8 Layers 3.1-3.3 Only shows how the text should appear on slide 13. Proactive Care utilizes different sources of data to construct a profile of an individual customer. We use our knowledge about the customer to: Just an example of what happens when user clicks a number! Production note: This is not a real slide! Anticipate unnecessary interactions Make the real-time interactions more effective Text text text text See the exact text on the slide 13 !!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A REAL SLIDE 1 2 3 Click each number to see how Proactive Care helps you. 12
Proactive Care Solutions for you Just the text that should appear for each bullet Production note: This is not a real slide! Slide 8 content of Layers 3.1-3.3 Production note: 1 Enables you to quickly identify the reason for the customers call. 2 Proactive Care calculates the most likely reason the customer has contacted Optus. Proactive Care uses this information to provide you a set of recommended actions. THIS IS NOT A REAL SLIDE 3 Proactive Care saves you time while talking to the Customer as it takes you directly to the information you need to resolve the customer enquiry. 13
Introduction: Proactive Care Components Production note: NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR YOU!!!! DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBERS! 1 The Proactive Care solution comprises two components: Click each for more information. 2 Customer Notifications Agent Recommendations Production Guidance: Base on template: TEXT PAGE 1 Text & action buttons: gradual exposure according to the numbers on the screen. NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR YOU!!!! DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBERS! This slide has 2 layers. The layers exposure triggered by action buttons: blue box and yellow box. When user clicks blue box: go to layer 1 (sl.15). When user clicks yellow box: go to layer 2 (sl.16) 3 In this training we will focus on Agent Recommendations. Production note: When user clicks a button – expose related layer (sl.15-16) 14
Introduction: Proactive Care Components The Proactive Care solution comprises two components: Production note: This is layer 1 for sl.14 Click each for more information. Customer Notifications Agent Recommendations Proactive Notification reduces the load on our Call Centers: Identifies when the customer is likely to contact us for billing enquiries. Sends a notification. Informs with relevant financial information currently impacting them. As a result, the Customer does not feel the need to make a call. In this training, we will focus on Agent Recommendations. 15
Introduction: Proactive Care Components The Proactive Care solution comprises two components: Production note: This is layer 2 for sl.14 Click each for more information. Customer Notifications Agent Recommendations Provides recommendations for the reason for the call, provides a list of suggested responses to guide the Agent. In this training, we will focus on Agent Recommendations. 16
Question 1 Agent Recommendations help you during the interaction with the customer by: Select all the correct answers below: Providing predictions regarding the customer’s motivation for approaching an Optus agent. Providing a set of Recommended Actions that automatically open required pages. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE: QUESTION – PICK MANY The correct answers marked by V on the screen. Guiding you through the interaction according to the work instructions. Sending customers automatic notification messages about their last bill.
If user gives wrong answer, please provide feedback as shown. Question 2 True or False? Agent Recommendations is the only component of the Proactive Care solution. If user gives wrong answer, please provide feedback as shown. Production note: Text The Proactive Care solution has 2 components: Agent Recommendations Customer Notifications Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE: QUESTION 3 – TRUE / FALSE. The correct answer is No. There is a specific feedback for wrong answer in this question (see Production note on the screen).
Topics Use cases for Guided Business flow topic starts here. Introduction: Proactive Care business context and benefits Use cases for Guided Business flow Agent Recommendation Toolbox Navigation What do I remember? Production Guidance: Updated this slide according to the template. (LET’S BEGIN WITH) See sl.4 for example!
One-Time Charge Motivation Guided Business Flow: Sample Use Cases There are 5 use cases for which Account Predictions (motivations) will be provided, along with the Recommended Actions. Slide along the bar for more information. Excess Usage Charges Motivation Prorated Charges Motivation One-Time Charge Motivation Roaming Charges Motivation Pay Bill Motivation Production Guidance: This slide has 5 layers! When user moves the cursor to a motivation (blue triangle) – the explanation box displayed. See example of how explanation box should be placed on sl.21! NOTE: WHEN MOTIVATION NAME IS BELOW THE CURSOR, THE EXPLANATION BOX SHOULD ALSO BE DISPLAYED BELOW. See the content of all 5 explanation boxes on sl.22-23! 20
One-Time Charge Motivation Guided Business Flow: Sample Use Cases Production note: This is not a real slide! Just an example of what happens when user slides (each picture) on slide 20. There are 5 use cases for which Account Predictions (motivations) will be provided, along with the Recommended Actions. Slide along the bar for more information. Text text text text See the exact text on slides 22-23 Excess Usage Charges Motivation Prorated Charges Motivation One-Time Charge Motivation Roaming Charges Motivation Pay Bill Motivation Text text text text See the exact text on slides 22-23 Production note: WHEN MOTIVATION NAME IS BELOW THE CURSOR, THE EXPLANATION BOX SHOULD ALSO BE DISPLAYED BELOW. 21
Content for Layers 1-3 of sl.20! One-Time Charge Motivation Guided Business Flow: Sample Use Cases Production note: This is not a real slide! Content for Layers 1-3 of sl.20! Excess Usage Charges Motivation Customer might be asking about the excess usage charge in their latest bill. e.g. Excess data charges over their plan limit. One-Time Charge Motivation Customer might be asking about a One-Time Charge in their latest bill. e.g. Late Payment Fee. Roaming Charges Motivation Customer might be asking about the roaming charges in their lastest bill (applicable only to wireless services.) e.g. Roaming Charges not covered under travel pack. 22
Content for Layers 4 - 5 of sl.20! Guided Business Flow: Sample Use Cases Prorated Charges Motivation Customer might be asking about the prorated charges in their latest bill. E.g. Plan change mid month. Pay Bill Motivation The customer might want to pay their latest pending bill. E.g. Direct debit unsuccessful overdue (just like Jackson). Production note: This is not a real slide! Content for Layers 4 - 5 of sl.20! 23
Recommended Actions Let's take a look at the recommended actions being used. 1. Customers contacts us 2. Identify the Customer 3. Open Interaction 5. Select the Recommended Action from the list 4. Motivations & Recommended Actions Displayed 6. Appropriate page launched Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE: PROCESS FLOW 8. Save & Close Interaction 7. Assist Customer Request
Updated slide: according to the template. Topics Introduction: Proactive Care business context and benefits Use cases for Guided Business flow Agent Recommendation Toolbox Navigation What do I remember? Production note: Updated slide: according to the template. See sl.4 for example!
Do you remember? Let’s see how to perform these activities! Production note: NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR YOU!!!! DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBEDS! Expose the text according to the numbers 3 1 Jackson calls to pay the bill. 2 Sarah uses the predictions to: Identify he has an overdue bill View bill Pay bill 3 Let’s see how to perform these activities! Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE: DIALOGUE 2 Gradual exposure of the bubbles and text (according to the numbers on the screen). NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR YOU!!!! DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBERS!
Add period at the end of Click Next. The Account Predictions and recommended Actions sections is enabled for you when: Customer is identified Interaction Home page is displayed Recommended Actions will support all consumer customers and small & medium business (SMB) Customers. (Soho, Micro and Small only). (Primary Contact only). Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 2 Click Next.
Move your cursor and hover over the Pay Bill prediction. The most probable customer motivations are displayed in the Interaction Toolbox inside the Account Predictions section. Move your cursor and hover over the Pay Bill prediction. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 1 When user hovers with the mouse over Pay Bill motivation – display sl.30
Add period at the end of Click Next. The toolbox window pops- up. Click Next. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 2 Zoom in to the highlighted section
Click Pay Bill motivation. Select the predicted motivation in the Account Predictions section. Click Pay Bill motivation. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 1 When user clicks Pay Bill motivation – display next slide
Add period at the end of Click Next. The list of Recommended Actions is displayed. Click Next. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 2
Double- click on View Bill. Jackson asks for more details about his last bill. Double- click on View Bill. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 1 When user double- clicks View Bill– display next slide
Add period at the end of Click Next. The View Billing Arrangement page is displayed. On the Billing Documents tab you can see the Billing Document and review the bill details. From this point forward you can handle the customer’s request and perform the relevant activity as learned in other modules. I can see that your last bill amount due is $90... Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 2 Click Next.
Add period at the end of Click Next. Production note: NOTE: NEED TO UPDATE SCREENSHOT!! See details in Instructor Notes section Add period at the end of Click Next. You are again on the Interaction Home page. The relevant interaction Current Topics and Actions section is populated automatically. You can update the reasons and add notes the same way you learned in the CIM Overview module. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 2 Need to combine the screenshot: For_34_need_to_add_update Instead of the highlighted section, add this file For_34_updates FINAL SCREENSHOT SHOULD lOOK LIKE THE ONE DISPLAYED ON THIS SCREEN! Click Next.
3.Same screenshot as in prev. slide!!! Production note: 3.Same screenshot as in prev. slide!!! Jackson asks to pay the bill. Double- click on Pay Bill. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 1 When user double- clicks Pay Bill– display next slide (sl.37)
Add period at the end of Click Next. The Immediate Payment page is displayed. Different payment means are available, using the relevant tabs. The Create Immediate payment procedure is described in the Creating Payments module. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 2 Click Next.
Add period at the end of Click Next. When the bill payment procedure is completed and saved, the reason codes are populated automatically. You can now make sure that all of Jackson’s inquiries are resolved and end the interaction. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : SIMULATION 2 Click Next.
Proactive Agent Guidance Toolbox Have you noticed? 1 2 2 What great service! What a great system! 1 1 With the help of agent recommendations, it is possible to: Be guided to resolve the Customers request quicker and efficiently. 1 Production note: NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR YOU!!!! DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBEDS! Expose the text according to the numbers 3 Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE: TEXT PAGE 2. Gradual exposure of text and bubbles according to the numbers on the screen. NUMBERS ARE ONLY FOR YOU!!!! DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBEDS! 38
Updated slide: according to the template. Topics Introduction: Proactive Care business context and benefits Use cases for Guided Business flow Agent Recommendation Toolbox Navigation What do I remember? Production note: Updated slide: according to the template. See sl.4 for example!
Please add period after each sentence. Let’s summarize Please add period after each sentence. Proactive Care Benefits: Increases customer’s positive experience. Increases agent efficiency and effectiveness. Proactive Care components: Guided Business Flow – displays motivations and Recommended Actions to assisting you during interaction with the customers. Proactive Notification – sends proactive messages to customers, providing them information so they don’t need to contact us. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE: REVIEW
Please add period after each sentence. What Do I Remember? Question 3 At the time of interaction with the supported customer, the predicted motivations are displayed for you when: Please add period after each sentence. Select the correct answer. You open the external web page with information about the customer’s charges. Customer has received a Proactive Notification SMS to his cell phone. Customer is identified and Interaction Home page is displayed. You have manually populated the reason codes. Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : QUESTION 2 Correct answer is no.3
One-Time Charge Motivation What Do I Remember? Question 4 Production note: DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBERS Drag each motivation name to its use case example. 1 Excess Usage Charges Motivation Customer needs guidance on handling bill overage, disputes and payments for overage charges. 1 Customer needs guidance about unexpected charges considered to be abnormal, such as installation fee, upgrade fee. 2 One-Time Charge Motivation 2 3 Customer needs guidance about possible charges for using their cell phone abroad (for current bill). Roaming Charges Motivation 3 Prorated Charges Motivation Customer needs guidance about charges in the current bill in case he changes a plan or adopts a new service in the middle of his billing cycle. 4 4 Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : DRAG AND DROP QUESTION 1 Correct order marked by numbers. Numbers should not be displayed . They are for you to know the correct order.!!! Pay Bill Motivation Customer approaches agent to pay a bill or to gain a better understanding of the amount due. 5 5
What Do I Remember? Question 5 Production note: DO NOT DISPLAY THE NUMBERS What Do I Remember? Question 5 These are the steps of an interaction with a customer that you will generally perform using Proactive Care Guided Business Flow. Put the steps in the correct order. Please add period after each sentence. 1 2 3 Customer contacts Optus. Identify the Customer. Open Interaction. 5 6 4 Motivations & Recommended Actions displayed. Select and click the Recommended Action from the list. Select the relevant motivation prediction. 8 Production Guidance: Base on template: TEMPLATE : DRAG AND DROP QUESTION 2 Correct order marked by numbers. Numbers should not be displayed . They are for you to know the correct order.!!! Appropriate page launched automatically: handle customer request. Save & Close Interaction. 7