How to Write a Constructed and Visual Response for the EOC
Constructed Response and Visual Response You will have to write two responses in 45 minutes. Visual Response: This question gives you a picture or a graph and you have to answer a two part question about the context of that picture. This is similar to an open response, but you CAN NOT list, bullet, or write short answers. Your response must be written in complete sentences. Constructed Response: This question gives the context of a historical event and then gives an essay prompt about that event. This prompt will probably ask you to decide between two sides of one issue. You should answer this question in an essay format.
Analyzing the Prompt Read the prompt. 2. Underline the “action words.” These are the verbs or adjectives in the prompt that give you instructions for your writing task. 3. Circle the “buzz words.” These are the content words used in the prompt that should also appear in your response.
Analyzing the Visual Response Prompt
Analyzing the Constructed Response Prompt
Brainstorming and Pre-Writing 4. Create your Thesis. This is simply the answer to the question being asked. What side of the argument are you going to answer? This number mainly refers to your essay. On the visual response generally, part A could be considered your thesis, but keep in mind sometimes part B asks you a separate question. 5. Brainstorm and Pre-write: List information that supports your points. If you are unsure about what your thesis will be, then list information for both sides. Choose the side for which you have the most valid side.
Complete the Visual Response At this point, with the visual response question, you will write the response. Remember you should write this in complete sentences. Be sure you discuss ALL PARTS (parts A and B) that the question asks you to answer. Refer to your underlined “action words.” Make sure you include your “buzz words” in your answer. Make sure you reread your completed response. Check off the “action words” and the “buzz words” on the prompt as you reread to make sure you have answered all parts of the question.
Writing the Constructed Response (Essay) Your completed essay will be a minimum of four paragraphs. LEAD PARAGRAPH: This paragraph has two parts. Background information: This is the context of the historical event the prompt asks you about. Often you can get this information from the prompt itself. Thesis: End your lead paragraph with your thesis. The thesis is ALWAYS the last sentence of your lead paragraph. Your thesis should be one sentence. You may include your points in your thesis is you wish.
Writing the Essay BODY PARAGRAPHS: You will write a paragraph for EACH of your points that support your thesis. You should have two to three paragraphs in the body of your essay. Each point should be the TOPIC SENTENCE of its paragraph. This means each point is the FIRST sentence of its paragraph. After you write your point in the topic sentence, you need to explain why this point supports your thesis. Use the specific content knowledge learned in your US History class. When you state a fact or a statistic, be sure you explain how that fact or statistic supports your point. End each point paragraph with sentence that shows how that point connects back to the thesis.
Writing the Essay CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH: Restate your thesis and your points. This summarizes your entire essay for your reader. Optional Ending after you restate your thesis and three points: End your essay with a “big idea.” Explain how the event you analyzed in your essay influenced its time period on a large scale, discuss how that event caused another event in history, show how this event fits contextually into its time period, etc.
The Final Product If you have enough time remaining, reread your essay. Proofread and edit your essay. Check off the “action words” and the “buzz words” on the prompt as you reread to make sure you have answered all parts of the question. Remember to write in a formal style: No personal pronouns (I, you , me, etc.) Do not use contractions. (do not instead of don’t, should have instead of should’ve, etc.) Do not use generic words like a lot, things, stuff, very, etc.