Louisiana Purchase & Exploration
Moving West By 1800 thousands of settlers moving across the Appalachians. Moving in where many Native Americans were living. We started taking over Native lands. France and Spain were negotiating for ownership of the Louisiana Territory (large region of land between the Mississippi and Rocky Mtns.)
Louisiana up for sale Louisiana was owned by Spain in 1802. Then they gave the land back to the French in a secret treaty. The port in New Orleans was closed to Americans and we were not happy! Napoleon (France leader) offered to sell Louisiana to America. Jefferson bought Louisiana from the French for $15 million…about 3 cents per acre. US doubled in size.
Exploration of the West! We needed to learn about the land we purchased. Jefferson hires Captain Meriwether Lewis to head the exploration. Lewis wants Lieutenant William Clark (a mapmaker and outdoorsman) to help him. They brought a group of men who they called the Corps of Discovery. This journey is known today as Lewis & Clark expedition. Exploration took place from 1803-1806
What are we looking for? Explore the Missouri River- we need a water route that crosses the US Make friends with the Indians Take good notes about the land, animals and plants What resources do we have in our new land? MAP OUT THE LAND!
Sacagawea Shoshone Indian who helped Lewis & Clark explore from North Dakota to the Pacific Coast. Spoke several Native languages Knew the land well Helped Lewis & Clark trade with other tribes Helped navigate the Columbia River, which lead to the Pacific
Figure it out (Math in social studies) Write down the equation and raise your hand when you have figured out the answer…be prepared to share. If $1 in 1800 is about equal to $16.67 today, how much would the Louisiana Purchase cost today? If the amount of land purchased was 827,192 square miles, and one square mile equals 640 acres, how many acres were purchased?
ANSWERS 1) 15,000,000 X 16.67 $ 250,050,000 2) 827,192 X 640 529,402,880 acres