Just what you need for the test powerpoint


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Presentation transcript:

Just what you need for the test powerpoint Evolution Just what you need for the test powerpoint

Arguments for Evolution 1 Fossil evidence – fossils determine age 2 Anatomy – homologous and vestigial 3 Embryology - recapitulation 4 Biochemistry – DNA and similar proteins 5 Distribution of animals – animals are different in isolated areas

Ch. 8 The History of Life biblical worldview Word of God source of absolute truth 1. creation (ex nihilo) Gen 1 – 11 2. the fall Gen 3:17-19 3. redemption Matt 1:21, Luke 24:46-47

Non-biblical worldview: Ch. 8 The History of Life Non-biblical worldview: theory of evolution theory of cosmological beginnings - Big Bang

Non-biblical worldview: Ch. 8 The History of Life Non-biblical worldview: theory of evolution 2. theory of biological evolution - less complex organisms give rise to more complex organisms

Non-biblical worldview: Ch. 8 The History of Life Non-biblical worldview: theory of evolution 3. philosophy of evolution - all things are progressing toward a future perfection

Ch. 8 The History of Life Results of believing evolution theory 1. man is not responsible to God 2. man does not need a savior 3. man is a highly evolved animal 4. man’s religion = scientism Ch. 8 The History of Life

interpreting the Bible Ch. 8 The History of Life theistic evolution: interpreting the Bible to support evolution

Apparent Age The earth was created fully mature, just as Adam was not born an infant. If the world was created mature, then this could possibly throw off the age the geologists give to land formations.

Charles Lyell 1797 - 1875 A geologist that stated that the earth was millions of years old. Determined this by the rate of natural processes that take place at a predictable rate.

Thomas Malthus An economist who proposed that resources such as food, water and shelter are natural limits to human population growth.

Ch. 8 The History of Life Lamarkian evolution 1801 Theory of need use & disuse inheritance of acquired characteristics

Ch. 8 The History of Life Lamarkian evolution 1801 Objections need doesn’t affect DNA DNA not affected by use or disuse

Ch. 8 The History of Life Always be ready to give an answer to every man that asks for a reason for the hope that is within you. 1 Peter 3:15

Darwin’s theory of evolution Ch. 8 The History of Life Darwin’s theory of evolution Descent with modification common ancestor 2. “survival of the fittest” natural selection

He also noticed turtle shell differences

Darwin’s Finches

More Finches

HMS Beagle’s Path

Descent with modification Common Ancestor?? Yes!!! But not from a ancestor of a different species.

Natural Selection of Peppered Moths Ch. 8 The History of Life Natural Selection of Peppered Moths

Ch. 8 The History of Life Darwin’s theory of evolution Objections: Variations of a Biblical kind are not newly evolved organisms Not always overpopulation Not always the fittest that reproduce

Ch. 8 The History of Life pangenes genes that travel from the affected organ to repro organs to be given to offspring

Ch. 8 The History of Life Darwinism Neo-Darwinism changes due to need changes occur due to sudden mutations

Ch. 8 The History of Life Mutations a change in the nucleotide base sequence (DNA) of a gene

Mutations do NOT cause evolution Ch. 8 The History of Life Mutations do NOT cause evolution 1 in 10 million divisions usually harmful All good mutations have to be in 1 organism?

Ch. 8 The History of Life Genetic Load: # of mutations 1,000s of mutations would kill an organisms

Ch. 8 The History of Life Punctuated equilibrium: evolution occurs rapidly for a while and then not at all for awhile

Comparative Embryology

Ch. 8 The History of Life Theory of Recapitulation ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny We go through stages of evolution during development

Theory of Recapitulation Ch. 8 The History of Life Theory of Recapitulation It’s a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homologous structures

Arguments for Evolution 1 Fossil evidence – fossils determine age 2 Anatomy – homologous and vestigial 3 Embryology - recapitulation 4 Biochemistry – DNA and similar proteins 5 Distribution of animals – animals are different in isolated areas

Vestigial structures

Vestigial structures

Divergent Evolution

Convergent Evolution


Ch. 8 The History of Life fossil: any direct or indirect evidence of a once-living organism that is embedded or preserved in the earth’s crust

Ch. 8 The History of Life types of fossils Preserved parts - must be quickly placed under pressure in rock-forming sediment

Ch. 8 The History of Life types of fossils 2. Preserved carbon (coal) “fossil fuel” - plant material under high temp & pressure

Ch. 8 The History of Life types of fossils 3. Preserved forms - casts or molds - rarely in tar pits

Ch. 8 The History of Life types of fossils 4. Preserved tracks - made in soft mud which was turned to stone

Ch. 8 The History of Life types of fossils 5. Petrification - when water with minerals penetrates the solid parts of organisms

Ch. 8 The History of Life frozen wooly mammoth found 2007

Ch. 8 The History of Life deluge: deluge theory of fossilization: to wash from deluge theory of fossilization: most fossils were formed as a result of the flood

Ch. 8 The History of Life Age of the Earth Dating fossils with fossils? * layers of the earth are assigned dates * index fossils are assigned dates * fossils found above index are “younger” * fossils found below index are “older”

Sedimentary Rock & Fossils The oldest layers are at the bottom, the more recent layers are at the top.

similar appearance = common ancestor? Ch. 8 The History of Life Phylogenetic Tree a line up of organisms based on how they might be related similar appearance = common ancestor?

Common Ancestors ? Phylogenetic tree

Ch. 8 The History of Life

Ch. 8 The History of Life Age of the Earth Evolved over 4.5 billion years? based date on… * time needed for biological evolution * physical dating methods

Radiometric Dating

Ch. 8 The History of Life Dating Methods 3. Decay or Buildup * radiometric dating methods (1) uranium-lead method: half-life = 4.5 billion years ½ U decays to lead

Ch. 8 The History of Life Dating Methods (2) carbon-14 dating half-life = 5730 year ½ of C-14 decays to nitrogen

Ch. 8 The History of Life Dating Methods assumptions of carbon dating 1. constant amount of C-14 vs C-12 2. equal C-14 formed & destroyed 3. C-14 decay rate constant 4. Constant amount of C-12 available


Ch. 8 The History of Life Creation Week Day 1 > light & darkness / day & night Day 2 > firmament / waters divided Day 3 > land & seas / plants Day 4 > sun, moon & stars Day 5 > animals of air & water Day 6 > land animals & man

Non literal interpretations Theistic Evolution Gap Theory Day-Age theory