PNF in Practice Sousan Salehi PhD student of speech and language pathology PNF in Practice References Susan,S.adler.dominiek beckers.math buck .2008 .spring Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Epicranius (Frontalis) Command M. Epicranius (Frontalis) Command. “Lift your eyebrows up, look surprised, wrinkle your forehead.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Corrugator Command. “Frown. Look sad. Pull your eyebrows down.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Orbicularis Oculi Command. “Close your eyes.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Levator Palpebrae Superioris Command. “Open your eyes. Look up.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Facilitation of m. procerus Command. “Wrinkle your nose. It smells bad Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Risorius and M. Zygomaticus Major Command. “Smile.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Orbicularis Oris Command M. Orbicularis Oris Command. “Purse your lips, whistle, say ‘prunes’, kiss.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Levator Labii Superioris Command. “Show your upper teeth.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
m. depressor anguli oris Command m. depressor anguli oris Command. “Push the corners of your mouth down, look sad.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Buccinator Command. “Suck your cheeks in, pull in against the tongue blade.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Masseter Temporalis Command. “Close your mouth, bite.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Infrahyoid and M. Suprahyoid Command. “Open your mouth.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sousan Salehi. PhD candidate of speech therapy Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
M. Platysma Command. “Pull your chin down.” Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Tongue Movements Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sticking the tongue out straight Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Sticking the tongue out to the left and the right Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Touching the nose with the tongue Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Touching the chin with the tongue Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Rolling the tongue Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Kabat Rehabilitation Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Orbicularis Oris Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Zygomatic major Levator Labii Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences
Mentalis Sousan Salehi . PhD candidate of speech therapy . Tehran University of medical sciences