Song Wang, MVWG Chair PacifiCorp MVWG Report to TSS Jan 2017 Song Wang, MVWG Chair PacifiCorp
Recent Meetings Meeting / Workshop Date SMVTF Meeting November 15, 2016 LMTF Meeting REMTF Meeting November 16, 2016 PPMVDTF Meeting MVWG Meeting November 16 - 17, 2016
Aug MVWG Workshop Aug 30-31, Portland, hosted by BPA The second regional workshop this year (1st regional workshop was held in March at San Diego) Aug 30 and Aug 31 am: Load modeling Aug 31 pm (closed session): System model validation Workshop material available at
MVWG Activities Overview and Approval Items Load Modeling Composite Load Model phase 2 sensitivity studies – Information only Renewable Energy Modeling DER_A Model Development-Specification – Information Only Low Short-Circuit Ratio System Generator/Convertor Model (REGC_B) – Information Only System Model Validation
MVWG Activities Overview and Approval Items Generator Modeling, Testing, and Model Validation Revised GENTPJ white paper – Approval Item Power System Stabilizer PSS1A model – Approval Item HVDC Modeling RAS and Relay Modeling WECC Approved Dynamic Model List NERC and WECC update
Load Modeling 6
Composite Load Model Data Composite Load Model phase 2 sensitivity studies New Stalling parameters and some new protection parameters Aim to have phase 2 approved in time for 2018 base case program Results are promising so far, good utility participation Lab tests to reinforce assumptions are continuing
Composite Load Model Data Composite Load Model phase 2 sensitivity studies
Composite Load Model Data Composite Load Model phase 2 sensitivity studies
Composite Load Model Data Composite Load Model phase 2 sensitivity studies Proposed parameter ranges for Phase II composite load model Parameter Phase II – Proposed Phase I Motor D, AC stall voltage, Vstall 0.4 to 0.45 0.55 to 0.6 Motor D, AC stall time, Tstall 0.032 sec 99999 sec Motor A fraction 1 trip, Ftr1a 0.2 to 0.4 0.2 Motor A, voltage 1 trip, Vtr1a 0.65 0.7 Motor A, time 1 trip, Ttr1a 0.1 0.02 Motor A voltage 1 reclose, Vrc1a 1.0 Motor A time 1 reclose, Trc1a 99999 Motor A fraction 2 trip, Ftr2a = 0.95 – Ftr1a Motor A, voltage 2 trip, Vtr2a 0.5 to 0.55 0.5 Motor A, time 2 trip, Ttr2a Motor A voltage 2 reclose, Vrc2a =Vtr2a + 0.1 Motor A time 2 reclose, Trc2a 0.05 Motor B fraction 1 trip, Ftr1ab 0.2 to 0.5 Motor B, voltage 1 trip, Vtr1b 0.6 Motor B, time 1 trip, Ttr1b Motor B voltage 1 reclose, Vrc1b =Vtr1b + 0.1 0.75 Motor B time 1 reclose, Trc1b Motor B fraction 2 trip, Ftr2b = 0.8 – Ftr1b 0.3 Motor B, voltage 2 trip, Vtr2b 0.45 to 0.5 Motor B, time 2 trip, Ttr2b Motor B voltage 2 reclose, Vrc2b =Vtr2b + 0.1 Motor B time 2 reclose, Trc2b
Composite Load Model Data Composite Load Model phase 2 sensitivity studies Participants in phase 2 study BPA SRP SDG&E SCE PSE PAC
Composite Load Model Data Phase 2 timeline Perform system impact sensitivity studies with new parameters by February 2017 March MVWG approval May TSS approval Seek approval of phase 2 parameters in time for 2018 study program
Air conditioner model development Three types have been developed as part of load modeling efforts: Performance model (static) Dynamic phasor model Point-on-wave model – detailed, first principles model
Air conditioner model development Dynamic phasor model Continuing Work Model Development Parameter Fitting
Power Electronic Loads Model Continuing Work
Power Electronic Loads Modes of Operation of VFDs Power loss mode Coast: Disable inverter and allow motor to coast Decel: Decelerate motor at correct rate so kinetic energy is absorbed to maintain DC bus voltage Continue: Allow the drive to power the motor till the DC bus voltage is down to half Restart mode Auto-restart: automatically tries to restart – used for low inertia motors Flying-start: auto-start the spinning motor at the original speed – used for high inertia motors
Load Model Software Benchmark WECC LMTF has already completed a set of benchmarking test case. Additional benchmarking has been done by EPRI and NERC LMTF. The WECC LMTF is compiling final report now
NERC LMTF Updates Ryan Quint provided updates of NERC LMTF activities. The accomplishments from 2016. Dynamic Load Modeling Technical Reference Document: Reliability Guideline on Modeling DER in Dynamic Load Models Recently approved by the NERC Planning Committee Draft Reliability Guideline on Developing Load Model Composition Data Load Model Benchmarking Robust Implementation
Miscellaneous MEPPI sensitivity study PNNL data request for load composition model and load protection model from Utilities: Pqube event data and corresponding PMU data End-use data (hour or subhourly) SCADA data Geographic information (number of buildings/customers) Contact: Email: Phone: (305)-495-5520
Renewable Energy Modeling 20
Final update on REPC_B Model The REPC_B model was implemented by all software vendors A set of tests were simulated on a simple test case Comparisons were done among the tools Found minor bugs and fixed them along the way In June the model was approved
Final update on REPC_B Model (Con.) Difference in REGC_A
Low Short-Circuit Ratio System Generator/Convertor Model (REGC_B) Current source model (REGC_A)
Low Short-Circuit Ratio System Generator/Convertor Model (REGC_B) Four more parameters (Re, Xe, Ted, Teq)
DER_A Model development PVD1 PVD2 DER_A
DER_A Model development
Standard DLL (Dynamic Link Library) Interfaces for User-Written Models Model development process Source: SENVION
Miscellaneous “Help with REMTF Dynamic Models” WECC Website Wind Turbine Model Validation guideline document – in progress WECC Battery Storage Dynamic Modeling Guideline DOE Project on Control of Distributed Solar Plants Placing an Energy Storage Model (REEC_C) in the CMPLDW
System Model Validation 29
System Model Validation Studies Slaven Kincic (PeakRC) provided updates of SMVTF activities and Dmitry Kosterev (BPA) provided updates of JSIS activities. WECC White paper for MOD-033 compliance guideline is under review.
Generator Modeling, Testing, and Model Validation 31
Excitation Models IEEE Standard 421.5 was approved. MVWG plans to review and update the exciter models following the IEEE standard in effect
Power System Stabilizer Model PSS1A model
Power System Stabilizer Model PSS1A model PSS1A model closest match for some installations PSS1A model gives nearly identical output as WSCCST model Unnecessarily complicated models increase chances of error Request TSS approval of PSS1A model
Hydro Turbine Governor Model Hydro turbine governor model h6e has been approved in last TSS. The model represents digital governor logic supplied by American Governor Company, as now in service in many hydro plants in the Northwest The model validation was completed for Kaplan and Francis turbine plants – Chief Joseph, Little Goose, and Bonneville. John will provide the pseudo code and test case for software implementation.
GENROU, GENSAL, GENTPJ, GENTPF The main difference between GENROU, GENSAL, GENTPF, GENTPJ models is the way to model saturation: The saturation in GENROU (GENSAL) is modeled as an additive flux component The saturation in GENTPF (GENTPJ) is represented as a multiplicative factor on all the inductances. In addition, GENTPJ allows for modeling the effect of machine loading on saturation.
GENROU, GENSAL, GENTPJ, GENTPF MVWG members agreed that should not blindly convert GENROU (GENSAL) model to GENTPJ. In every case a model should always be verified against measurements. Motion: Approve the modified WECC White paper on GENTPJ – “The Recommended Synchronous Generator Model: GENTPJ”
Dynamic Data Error List The Dynamic Data Error List was split by five regions. Each region will be in charged by Northwest (Gordon Kawaley, Bo Gong, Brandon Bouwman) Northern California (Irina Green) Rocky Mountain (Eric Bakie, Shawn Patterson) Southern California (Jun Wen) Desert Southwest (Zak Baumann) For UFLS gen error list, the SRWG will take over to track generator errors.
HVDC Modeling
HVDC Modeling Conventional HVDC point-to-point dynamic model Final memo and model sent to software vendors No major progress on commercial beta implementation due to other commitments by software vendors VSC HVDC point-to-point dynamic model Started implementing an epcl code to test the concept. Currently under code debugging process HVDCTF will come back to MVWG to start process of commercial software tool beta implementation and testing
RAS and Relay Modeling 41
RAS and Relay Modeling The RAS Modeling & Validation Task Force (RMVTF) : Not much progress yet Glob monitoring model specification for reporting distance relay tripping.
NERC System Analysis & Modeling updates System analysis assessments and studies Modeling improvements Technical document development Subcommittee, working group, and task force efforts
WECC Approved Dynamic Model List 44
WECC Approved Dynamic Model List The latest approved dynamic model list is available at er%202016.pdf Highlights of changes: Add note on renewable models, the Phase I renewable models are still approved but people should start using the Phase II models. PSS1A model was approved. In software comments column, instances of “both programs” were changed to “all programs”.
Next MVWG Meetings 46
Next MVWG Meetings 1st MVWG Meeting 2nd MVWG Meeting 3rd MVWG Meeting March 14 – March 16 Portland, OR March 14 pm, SMVTF and LMTF March 15 am, REMTF and PPMVDTF March 15 pm – March 16 all day, MVWG 2nd MVWG Meeting June 13-15 Salt Lake City 3rd MVWG Meeting Nov 7-9 Salt Lake City
Questions ? 48