WELCOME DRAGONS! Ms. Burgoyne Math (1st ; 4th period) Science (3rd , 5th , 6th period)
Supplies Needed: For my classes: General 6th grade supply list Pencils Erasers Loose Leaf Paper Highlighter Colored Pencils / Crayons Scissors Glue sticks Pencil pouch For my classes: Math: 1 ½ inch binder, binder divider tabs, pocket folder with holes Science: 1 subject spiral notebook I highly suggest getting a morning and an afternoon binder with a pencil pouch in each binder.
B.Y.O.D. Bring Your Own Device until we switch 1:1 MRMS has implemented BYOD to encourage students to bring their own technology devices to school to assist in their learning experiences. SCHOOL RULES: #1 Off and away in the hallways #2 Follow the classroom teachers B.Y.O.D. rules. #3 You are responsible for your own device and following your parent’s rules. CONSEQUENCES: 1ST OFFENSE Warning 2nd OFFENSE Off and Away and phone is taken by the teacher 3rd OFFENSE Phone will be taken to the office to be picked up at the end of the day 4th OFFENSE Phone will be taken to the office and a parent will have to come pick it up
Communication PLEASE utilize Engrade on a regular basis to check grades and missing assignments. Also, please reference my personal page found on the school webpage—this will have upcoming events and important links and documents pertaining to class. Please feel free to email me or call cburgoyn@k12.wv.us school phone number 304-229-8833
Bell schedule Breakfast 7:05 am 7:25 am Homeroom/Advisory/Olweus 1st Period 8:07 am 8:52 am 2nd Period 8:56 am 9:41 am 3rd period 9:45 am 10:30 am 4th Period 10:34 am 11:19 am A Lunch/5th period 11:23 am 12:08 pm B Lunch/5th Period 12:12 pm 12:57 pm 6th Period 1:01 pm 1:46 pm 7th Period 1:50 pm 2:35 pm Clubs/Tutoring/SPL Period 3:00 pm
THE FOLLOWING DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED IF YOU ARE ABLE: Board Games Wrapped candies (Smarties, Starburst, Mints) Decks of cards for math games Tissues Clorox wipes EXPO Markers Extra Pencils and Erasers Plastic Folders with holes 1 Subject Spirals 1 ½ inch binders Please feel free to donate any supplies listed above for replenishment throughout the school year.
It’s going to be a great year!