Dr. Salvatore Scandura ADVANCED MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS Scientific Director Dr. Salvatore Scandura Presents “Treatment of Adipose Cellulite And adipose areas” Not invasive treatment for adipose areas And adipose cellulite
How to work’ 1 Define and evaluate working areas. File of client to be created. Accepted use of data files and photograph. Trace with black pen areas to be treated Take photograph before, during and after. Move probe using gel on the skin. Starting power 40% Move round on the area
How to work 2 Define legal approach to the client before start to the treatment with a document that will inform client about treatment.
How to work’ 3 Treatable areas Gluteus Legs Arms Abdomen Sides Back Knee
NO TREATABLE AREAS Armpit Popliteal area Groin Hands Neck Face Head in general Sex areas
NO TREATABLE CLIENTS Heartfailure Active vascular patologies Pace maker Trombosys and tromboflebitis Trasplanted Pregnant Metal protesis
External Body modelling Treating adipose areas and cellulitis Aesthetical use External Body modelling Treating adipose areas and cellulitis TROCANTERIS- GLUTEUS-LEGS 4,7cm diameter probe Applied power 40- 70 % for 5 - 10 minutes for area swepping 50/70 sweep rate 150 Move slowly the probe on the treating areas for 5-10 minutes each areas. Time of treatments 40 min maximum N°1 Treatment every week for 4-7 weeks Follow up and maintenance 1 -3 treat every 6 months
External Body Modelling Adipose areas and Cellulitis Aesthetical use External Body Modelling Adipose areas and Cellulitis INTERNAL LEGS --KNEE --ANKLE Small 3,2 cm probe Power 40 – 70 % Sweepping 50 /70 Sweep rate 200 – Treat 7-10 min moving slowly the probe on the interested areas. Total time of treatment 40 min 1 treatment a week for 4 – 7 treat. Follow up and maintenance 1-3 treatments every 6 month
Probe 4,7 cm (in small abdomen 3,2 diameter probe) Aesthetical use External Body Modelling Adipose areas and Cellulitis ABDOMEN-SIDES-BACK-ARMS Probe 4,7 cm (in small abdomen 3,2 diameter probe) Pulsed power 50 – 70 % for 7/10 min of treatment Sweeping 50/70 Sweep Rate 200 Move the probe in circular slowly movements alternated with linear movements along the linphatic flow lines for 7/10 minutes for each area. Time of total treatment 40 minutes max. N°1 treatment every week. Follow up and maintenance 1-3 treatments every 6 months.
Applied power 40- 100 % for 5 - 10 minutes for area sweeping 70/150 Aesthetical use External Body Modelling Deep strengthening and surface connectival tratment TROCANTERIS- GLUTEUS-LEGS 4,7cm diameter probe Applied power 40- 100 % for 5 - 10 minutes for area sweeping 70/150 sweep rate 200/450 Pulsed on2 minutes-slow modulation on 2 minutes-the last 2 min for area. Move slowly the probe on the treating areas for 5-10 minutes each areas. Time of treatments 40 min maximum N°1 Treatment every week for 4-7 weeks Follow up and maintenance 1 -3 treat every 6 months
Aesthetical use External Body Modelling Deep strengthening and surface connectival treatment INTERNAL LEGS --KNEE --ANKLE Small 3,2 cm probe (4,7 could be used) Power 40 – 100 % for 5-10 minutes every area. Sweeping 70 /100 Sweep rate 250 –350 Pulsed on2 minutes-slow modulation on 2 minutes-the last 2 min for area. Treat 5-10 min moving slowly the probe on the interested areas. Total time of treatment 40 min N°1 treatment a week for 4 – 7 treat. Follow up and maintenance 1-3 treatments every 6 month
Probe 4,7 cm (in small abdomen 3,2 diameter probe) Aesthetical use Deep strengthening and surface connectival tratment Adipose areas and Cellulitis ABDOMEN-SIDES-BACK-ARMS Probe 4,7 cm (in small abdomen 3,2 diameter probe) Pulsed power 40 – 90 % for 4/10 min of treatment Sweeping 40/90 Sweep Rate 200/250 Pulsed on2 minutes-slow modulation on 2 minutes-the last 2 min for area. Move the probe in circular slowly movements alternated with linear movements along the linphatic flow lines for 7/10 minutes for each area. Time of total treatment 40 minutes max. N°1 treatment every week. Follow up and maintenance 1-3 treatments every 6 months.
“Ultracavitation system” MEDICAL USE ONLY Body modelling Cellulite treatments Adipose areas treatments With needle infiltration mode of phisiological solution “Ultracavitation system”
Applied power 50 - 100% for 7 - 15 min for any treated area Medical use only Body modelling Adipose and cellulite areas treatment with MESOTERAPHIC infiltration TROCANTERIS- GLUTEUS-LEGS Let infilter, from 6 to 20 cc of injectable solution with mesotherapy metods or fosfatidilcoline solution using needle from 4mmX0.4, or needle from 16 mmX0.4, the treating area. Handpiece 4,7cm diameter Applied power 50 - 100% for 7 - 15 min for any treated area swepping 70 / 150 sweep rate 200 / 400 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-15 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 – minutes Normally 1- weekly treatment for 4-7 weeks Follow up and maintenance: 1- 3 treatments every 4 – 7 months
(hydrolipoclasis with injectable Klein solution) Medical use only Body modelling Adipose and cellulite areas treatment with deep infiltration (hydrolipoclasis with injectable Klein solution) TROCANTERIS- GLUTEUS-LEGS Treating areas have to be infiltred with 100/250 ml of klein solution using needles 27G 16 mm, or needles 23/25G 35mm (not more than 250 ml total for 1 treatment). Probe 4,7cm diameter Applied power 70 - 100% for 7 - 15 minutes for any treted area swepping 40 / 100 sweep rate 150 / 270 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-15 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 – minutes Normally 1- weekly treatment for 4-7 weeks Follow up and maintenance: 1- 3 treatments every 4 – 7 months
Medical use only Body modelling Adipose and cellulite areas treatment with MESOTERAPHIC infiltration INTERNAL LEGS --KNEE –ANKLE Let infilter, from 6 to 20 cc of injectable solution with mesotherapy metods or fosfatidilcoline solution using needle from 4mmX0.4, or needle from 16 mmX0.4, the treating area. Small probe da 3,2 cm diameter Applied power 50 - 80% for 5 - 10 minutes every treated area swepping 70 / 150 sweep rate 200 / 400 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-10 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 – minutes Normally 1- weekly treatment for 4-7 weeks Follow up and maintenance: 1- 3 treatments every 4 – 7 months
(hydrolipoclasis with injectable Klein solution) Medical use only Body modelling Adipose and cellulite areas treatment with deep infiltration (hydrolipoclasis with injectable Klein solution) INTERNAL LEGS --KNEE –ANKLE Treating areas have to be infiltred with 100/250 ml of klein solution using needles 27G 16 mm, or needles 23/25G 35mm (not more than 250 ml total for 1 treatment). Small probe 3,2cm diameter. Applied power 60 - 90% per 7 - 10 min every treated area swepping 40 / 100 sweep rate 150 / 270 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-10 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 –50 minutes Normally 1- weekly treatment for 4-7 weeks Follow up and maintenance: 1- 3 treatments every 4 – 7 months
Applied power 50 - 90% for 7 - 15 min. every treated area Medical use only Body modelling Adipose and cellulite areas treatment with MESOTERAPHIC infiltration Let infilter, from 6 to 20 cc of injectable solution with mesotherapy metods or fosfatidilcoline solution using needle from 4mmX0.4, or needle from 16 mmX0.4, the treating area. ABDOMEN-SIDES-BACK-ARMS Probe 4,7cm diameter Applied power 50 - 90% for 7 - 15 min. every treated area swepping 70 / 150 sweep rate 200 / 400 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-15 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 –50 minutes Normally 1- weekly treatment for 4-7 weeks Follow up and maintenance: 1- 3 treatments every 4 – 7 months
(hydrolipoclasis with injectable Klein solution) Medical use only Body modelling Adipose and cellulite areas treatment with deep infiltration (hydrolipoclasis with injectable Klein solution) ABDOMEN-SIDES-BACK-ARMS Treating areas have to be infiltred with 100/250 ml of klein solution using needles 27G 16 mm, or needles 23/25G 35mm (not more than 250 ml total for 1 treatment). Small probe 3,2cm diameter Applied power 60 - 100% for 7 - 15 minutes for any area sweeping 40 / 100 sweep rate 150 / 270 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-15 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 –50 minutes Normally 1- weekly treatment for 4-7 weeks Follow up and maintenance: 1- 3 treatments every 4 – 7 months
Only Surgical medical use Body Modelling
Surgery medical protocol Body modeling ,cellulite and adipose area treatment with deep infiltration and liposuction of the liquid fat (hidrolipoclasis with Klein solution+liposuction) TROCANTERIS- GLUTEUS-LEGS Treating areas have to be infiltred with 100/250 ml of klein solution using needles 27G 16 mm, or needles 23/25G 35mm (not more than 400 ml total for 1 treatment). Probe 4,7cm diameter Applied power 70 - 100% for 7 - 15 min for any treated area swepping 40 / 100 sweep rate 150 / 270 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-15 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 –60 minutes We have to do liposuction on the treated area with needle and microliposuction cannula In the surgery room we can do a really liposculpture with cavitation with very hight level volume of fat liposucted (2000 cc).
INTERNAL LEGS --KNEE –ANKLE ) Surgery medical protocol Body modeling , cellulite and adipose area treatment with deep infiltration and liposuction of the liquid fat (hidrolipoclasis with Klein solution+liposuction) INTERNAL LEGS --KNEE –ANKLE Treating areas have to be infiltred with 100/300 ml of klein solution using needles 27G 16 mm, or needles 23/25G 35mm (not more than 300 ml total for 1 treatment). Probe 3,2 cm diameter Applied power 60 - 90% for 7 - 10 min for any treated area swepping 40 / 100 sweep rate 150 / 270 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-10 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 –50 minutes We have to do liposuction on the treated area with needle and microliposuction cannula In the surgery room we can do a really liposculpture with cavitation with very hight level volume of liposucted fat (2000 cc).
Surgery medical protocol Body modeling ,cellulite and adipose area treatment with deep infiltration and liposuction of the liquid fat (hidrolipoclasis with Klein solution+liposuction) ABDOMEN-SIDES-BACK-ARMS Treating areas have to be infiltred with 100/350 ml of klein solution using needles 27G 16 mm, or needles 23/25G 35mm (not more than 350 ml total for 1 treatment). Probe 4,7cm diameter Applied power 60 - 100% for 7 - 15 min for any treated area swepping 40 / 100 sweep rate 150 / 270 Move slowly the probe on the interested areas for 7-15 min every area moving also in a circular or linear way the probe Treatment time 40 –50 minutes We have to do liposuction on the treated area with needle and microliposuction cannula In the surgery room we can do a really liposculpture with cavitation with very hight level volume of fat liposucted (2000 cc).