CHAMPS & Classroom Procedures
What does champs stand for? Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation Success
Bell Ringer CHAMP C: Voice level 0, silence. H: Raise your hand to ask a question. A: Answer question found on the board. M: No movement outside of getting supplies when you FIRST walk into the classroom. Turn in work. P: Have all materials for class. Notes ready to go.
Lecture CHAMP C: Voice level 0, Silence. H: Raise your hand to ask a question. A: Taking Cornell notes. M: No movement. Need to sharpen your pencil? Put your pencil in the air and I’ll bring you a pencil sharpener. P: Completed notes in folder.
Independent work CHAMP C: Voice level 0, silence. H: Raise your hand if you have a question. A: Independent work, complete the given assignment. M: Use the pencil sharpener when necessary. Ask permission to use the restroom. P: Completed and turned in assignment.
Small Group CHAMP C: Voice level 2, Quiet Conversational with your group ONLY! H: Raise your hand and continue to work. A: Students in a group working together on an assignment. M: Pencil sharpener and supplies yes. Bathroom with permission. Move desks closer to one another. Rotate when told. P: Discuss with peers and complete the assignment.
Tests & Quizzes CHAMP C: Voice Level, 0 (silence) H: Raise your hand and wait patiently. A: Finish your test or quiz independently and quietly. Turn in test or quiz when completed. M: No movement until you turn in your work. P: Turn in test or quiz when you complete.
What to do when you first walk in? Go by the back counter. Turn in any work into the correct drawer. Either your correct period OR late work into the late work drawer. Pick up folder and any worksheets. Have a seat and follow instructions on the board!
Lecture You will be expected to take split page notes. These notes will be kept in your folder and I will check them once to twice a week. Write the title and date to your notes.
Independent Work What does independent mean? BY YOURSELF!!! Turn it into the box in the back of the classroom.
Group Work You will be put with a partner or in a small group. Listen closely to directions for your responsibility and time limits.
Finished your work early? Guess what! You have several other things to work on. Check your grade and see if you have work to catch up on. Work on vocabulary. Grab a history puzzle to work on. Grab a book to read. You will not be sitting around and talking and wasting time after finishing your work.
Last 3 Minutes of Class Get everything put up. Get all your work turned in. I can hold you a minute after the bell and that will happen if my classroom doesn’t look pretty.
Absent? Log on to Google Classroom. Look for the date of your missing work. Print out or complete on a sheet of notebook paper. If you do not have a printer at home, let me know.
Missing Work Check the bulletin board with your grades or Google Classroom. Listed by student ID number.
Graded Work I will return your graded work to your file. You can keep whatever work you want to in your file. For folder checks, I will only check what is in your folder. Do not just keep everything in the file.
Tutorials and Detention Using the QR code or a Chromebook sign in Monday-Wednesday after school Wednesday mornings
Bathroom You will not go to the restroom the first and last 10 minutes of class or during lecture or a test. Do not ask to go while I am giving instructions.