Major Legal and Business Challenges Manage the Group business through multiple legal regime Collection problems (bounced checks treatment) Litigation limitation Counterfeit and illicit trade Specification and Standards (new competing tools) Residency / security issues Import regulations/Dumping Producing in free zone (loosing GAFTA benefits) Intellectual Property Protection (registration, opposition , cancellation)
Compliance Issues The Regulatory compliance is one of the highest legal risk areas for businesses. Tax (corruption, non systematic) Tax compliance related to Transfer Pricing Employment and HR Expatriation of Advisors and Employees FATQA and KYC declaration Amount of regulatory change Compliance records Corporate governance Related party transactions Imports and exports regulations Global risk and compliance management requires a broad, integrated approach Many companies realize that the distraction and cost of dealing with non-compliance far exceeds the time and dollar investment required to identify and manage risks before they become problem
Technological Advancements Challenges Technology change the legal profession (adaptation or segregation) Globalization of the services E-commerce development (ordering system/electronic signature) Agility challenge (involve lawyers in technology)
Doing Business easiness Eleven of 20 economies in the Middle East and North Africa implemented at least one regulatory reform making it easier to do business in the year from June 1, 2013, to June 1, 2014—15 reforms in total. Since 2005, 90 percent of the economies in the region have implemented business regulatory reforms in the areas measured by Doing Business. Together, the 20 economies recorded 197 reforms making it easier to do business. The Arab Republic of Egypt implemented the largest number of reforms in the region during this period, with 24, followed by the United Arab Emirates with 20 and Morocco and Saudi Arabia with 19 each. The United Arab Emirates has the region’s highest ranking on the ease of doing business, at 22 among 189 economies worldwide. It is also among the 10 top improvers worldwide in this year’s report.
Doing Business rank in the ME UAE , 22 KSA,49 Qatar, 50 Bahrain, 53 Tunisia, 66 Kuwait, 86 Lebanon, 104 Egypt, rank 112 Jordan, 116 Iran, rank 130 Iraq m rank 156 Syria, 177 Libya, 188 New zeeland, 1
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