Force can change the movement, shape, and position of objects Force: a push or pull that may or may not result in movement
Force is a push or pull measured in newtons
An invisible, non-contact force that pushes and pulls -Opposite poles attract one another, while like poles repel one another. It acts at a DISTANCE and CAUSES the needle of a compass to move. Magnetic force is the greatest at the Poles. The closer the objects are, the greater the magnetic force.
An invisible, non-contact for that pulls objects The pull of Earth's gravity is what makes objects fall to the ground. The pull is NOT noticeable unless one object is very large (planet, moon, sun). The force of gravity between Earth and ANY object ON it is very noticeable because the Earth’s Mass is so large. The pull of the Sun’s gravity keeps the Earth rotating around the sun. The pull of the Earth’s gravity keeps the moon rotating around the Earth, but the moon’s gravity pulls on the oceans and creates tides. Where does the Moon’s gravity pull to The center of? The sun’s?
A contact force that opposes motion between touching objects Friction occurs in liquids and gases, as well as between solids. Lubricants can reduce friction by making surfaces smoother (motor oil, wax, grease) Without friction, objects in motion wouldn’t slow or stop! The effects of friction can be observed as an object slides across another object’s surface and slows down. The rougher the surfaces are, or the harder the surfaces press together, the more friction there will be.
What would life be like without friction? Apply what you know… How are gravity, magnetism, and friction Different? Alike? What would life be like without friction? What would life be like without Gravity?
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