Personality Types
Artisans You enjoy working with any and all kinds of equipment, implements, machines, and instruments, from bulldozers to paintbrushes. You enjoy crafts of many kinds – athletic, culinary, literary, martial, mechanical, rhetorical, theatrical, political, or industrial. You have an affinity to other artisans such as Mozart, Steven Spielberg, Neil Simon, Elvis Presley, and Amelia Earhart. CAREER IDEAS – artist, musician, actor, chef, craftsperson, mechanic.
Personality Types
Guardians You enjoy occupations that involve gathering, storing, recording, measuring, and distributing data or people. You are talented at arranging, scheduling, establishing order, and creating organizations. You have an affinity to other guardians such as George Washington, Colin Powell, Mother Theresa, Harry Truman, and J.P. Morgan. CAREER IDEAS – business person, librarian, doctor, military officer, salesperson, coach, social worker.
Personality Types
Idealists You are enthusiastic, have insight into people, and are good at influencing others and helping them reach their full potential. You are talented at teaching, counseling, interviewing, and tutoring people. You have an affinity to other idealists such as Emily Bronte, Sydney Poitier, Mohandas Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Oprah Winfrey. CAREER IDEAS – teacher, trainer, employee recruiter, counselor, human services worker.
Personality Types
Rationals You are interested in complexity and are good at understanding it. You are interested in complex machines, such as airplanes, or in complex biological organisms, such as humans, plants, and animals. You have an affinity to other rationals such as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, and Bill Gates. CAREER IDEAS – scientist, architect, engineer, military strategist, inventor, executive.
Personality Types Myers-Briggs Type Indicator First published in 1962 “Most widely used personality assessment.” Four pairs of preferences Extraversion (E) (I) Introversion Sensing (S) (N) Intuition Thinking (T) (F) Feeling Judgment (J) (P) Perception
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators Extravert (E) Introvert (I) Action Oriented Breadth of Knowledge More frequent interaction Recharge and get energy from being with other people Thought Oriented Depth of Knowledge More substantial interaction Recharge and get energy from being alone Attitudes towards the outside world
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators Sensing (S) Intuition (N) Present/Concrete Information See, Touch, Taste, Hear, and Smell information. They tend to distrust hunches, which seem to come "out of nowhere."[ Details. Facts. Abstract/Theoretical Information Seek patterns Future Possibilities Trust hunches Gut instinct Information gathering functions
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators Thinking (T) Feeling (F) Decide things from a more detached standpoint Measure the decision by what seems reasonable, logical, causal, consistent Decisions match a given set of rules. Decisions made by associating or empathizing with the situation. Looking at it 'from the inside.' Seek harmony, consensus and fit, considering the needs of the people involved. Decision making functions
Myers-Briggs Type Indicators Judgment (J) Perception (P) Have matters settled. Keep options open. Lifestyle functions
Personality Types Myers-Briggs Test