ALEO East Midlands Wednesday 18th January ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO East Midlands Wednesday 18th January
ALEO East Midlands Chairs Update Wednesday 18th January 2017 ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO East Midlands Chairs Update Wednesday 18th January 2017
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO Executive ALEO Exec meeting 13th October Directors signed forms for Companies House to change trading name of company from UK Home Energy Conservation Association Ltd to the Association of Local Energy Officers Ltd – forms to submitted to company house now that Executive has minuted agreement to name change. Sponsorship – ALEO continue to explore further sponsorship opportunities One day conference in Bournemouth on 14th October 2016 and ALEO awards; Northants Warm Homes Partnership took East Midlands award. Cliff Duff – North East are meeting on 2nd December in Durham to re launch the regional network under the new ALEO identity. Memorandum and Articles of Association – a draft of the company Articles of Association based on Executives feedback: John Kolm-Murray has made further comments which are to be circulated to executive. Media and communications plan – we now have a list of generic press email addresses for future press releases. Jerome Baddley – Head of the NHS Sustainable Development Unit attended – possibilities for collaboration between SDU and ALEO. Next ALEO Exec meeting Thursday 19th January 2017 Cliff Duff and Susan Car from Durham council are standing as chair and vice chair at the re-launch of the North East group under the new ALEO identity. There first meeting is 2nd December; Darsh attended – any feedback? One day conference in Bournemouth was well attended; Sara Earl, Corby Council were awarded the ALEO East midlands award; which I collected on their behalf. Sponsorship – since this meeting Park Home Insulations have withdrawn their sponsorship so ALEO is now actively seeking sponsorship.
ALEO Executive Regions status on name change ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO Executive Regions status on name change All regions have now changed their names to ALEO with the exception of Wales.
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network BEIS: Heat in Buildings – the future of heat: domestic buildings - consultation Asks for views on options for raising domestic boiler standards. The government is also seeking evidence on the costs and benefits of wider domestic central heating system performance improvements. Published: 8th December 2016 Respond by: 27th January 2017
Status – decision published 20/12/16 ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network DCLG consultation This consultation invited views on the outcomes of the review of the minimum requirements currently applied by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to the operation of energy assessor accreditation schemes. There are currently 7 schemes that oversee the work of approximately 15,000 accredited energy assessors who produce energy certificates for domestic, public and commercial buildings, and air conditioning inspection reports for air conditioning systems with an effective rated output in excess of 12 kilowatts. Status – decision published 20/12/16
Leasehold Reform (Energy Efficiency) Bill – private members bill ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Leasehold Reform (Energy Efficiency) Bill – private members bill Leasehold Reform (energy efficiency) bill: energy efficient flats - to make energy improvements in blocks of flats easier - would apply to homes in England and Wales (not Scotland) The Association for the Conservation of Energy and others have asked us to support a call for a private member’s bill to address energy efficiency in leasehold properties. ALEO has registered its support. Any update?
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network OFGEM consultation Allocation of voluntary redress payments in the context of Enforcement cases Consultation took views on ways to improve the allocation of voluntary redress payments that are made in the context of enforcement investigations conducted by OFGEM using the Gas and Electricity Act powers. Voluntary redress payments are paid by companies investigated by OFGEM, such payments are separate from (and can be in addition to) compensation payments made directly to consumers harmed by the companies’ wrongdoing. Voluntary redress payments are in lieu of, or in addition to, a financial penalty. OFGEM decides the allocation of voluntary redress payments after they’ve agreed payment amount with the company. In 2014 and 2015 £73.5million was paid to charitable organisations and benefitted 223,000 customers. Consultation is closed on 24th August 2016 Status – decision published 30/11/16 ALEO put a response in
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network OFGEM consultation Allocation of voluntary redress payments in the context of Enforcement cases OFGEM stated “Our summer 2016 consultation on the allocation of voluntary redress in the context of Enforcement cases stated our ambition to improve the allocation process to maximise the benefits for Great Britain’s energy consumers. Following consideration of responses to the consultation and wider stakeholder engagement, this letter sets out our decision to engage an expert third party organisation to allocate, manage and monitor voluntary redress payments. This will make sure that funding is well targeted, and is the best way to maximise the long-term positive impact of voluntary redress payments for energy consumers across Great Britain, and in particular those in vulnerable circumstances.” Status – decision published 30/11/16
ECO: Help to Heat consultation ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ECO: Help to Heat consultation This consultation sought views on proposed changes to ECO for 2017-18 and aspects of the high level design for a longer term supplier obligation (2018-22). Consultation closed on 17th August 2016 BEIS are currently analysing our feedback ALEO East Midlands submitted a response National ALEO submitted a response Individual LA’s in East Midlands submitted responses? Status – closed: analysing our feedback
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Independent review of Consumer Advice, Protection, Standards and Enforcement Dr Peter Bonfield appointed by DECC and DCLG to carry out review on standards of energy efficiency and renewable instalments and whether frameworks in place are robust and ensure a suitable standard to protect customers. Update:- finally published on BEIS website 16th December 2016. https:/
OFGEM re-launch Warm Home Discount for park home residents ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network OFGEM re-launch Warm Home Discount for park home residents More than 5,000 residents of park homes are set to benefit from £700,000 worth of energy bill rebates following a successful Warm Home Discount (WHD) pilot initiative. Following a successful pilot scheme in 2015-16, developed by Ofgem E-Serve, energy suppliers and Charis Grants, which provided a total of £233,520 in rebates to 1,668 residents. This was an increase in the initial target as more energy suppliers joined the scheme recognising it as an effective way to support vulnerable consumers. “We thank the obligated suppliers and Charis Grants for working with us to develop the scheme, and hope to continue to pursue innovative ways to ensure that the WHD helps those who need it most.” Park home residents can apply for the rebate at or by calling the Charis Park Homes hotline on 0330 380 1040. Successful applicants will then be sent a cheque totalling £140. Published 9th December
DECC – Central Heating Fund ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network DECC – Central Heating Fund BEIS have confirmed they will extend the deadline for installation of CH to February 2017 Update on progress of 3 successful ALEO East Midlands LA’s? Lincolnshire County Council - £570,000 North East Derbyshire District Council - £637,625 Bolsover District Council- £117,800
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Forthcoming Events NEA East Midlands Fuel poverty Forum at Ellipse Energy Leicester on 9th March – 9.30 -12.30
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Forthcoming Events NHHSRS Competency 4 places remaining on this popular course designed to introduce the housing health and safety rating system from identifying hazards, understanding the rating system and how to apply it. Day 1: 27 January 2017 Day 2: 27 February 2017 Venue: Kedleston Road training centre, Derby Cost £395 non-member £325 members See the Dash Services training programme . To book your place call Fiona England on 01332 641111 or email
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Forthcoming Events FREE TRAINING Energy Awareness Half Day Course 31 January 2017 in Northampton This half day course is running as part of our Warm Minds project which provides free training, energy advice and energy awareness-raising sessions to organisations working with individuals living with mental health issues, dementia and learning disabilities and/or learning difficulties. Aimed at frontline practitioners and advocates to help them to provide basic energy advice to individuals they support to enable them to manage their energy and bills, access available energy efficiency measures, energy advice and other related utility services. COURSE OUTLINE - Understand fuel poverty / affordable warmth and the impact on health; Understanding fuel use and costs; Understand fuel bills and process of switching supplier; Energy saving measures; Explain trusts, grants and assistance available. Delegates will receive a FREE energy advice guide and e-bulletins to provide scheme and service updates for trainees throughout the Warm Minds project. DURATION - Half-Day (3 hours) COURSE DATE / LOCATION - 31 January 2017 in Northampton We also have a limited number of in-house sessions available to deliver throughout the Midlands. Sessions are available to relevant organisations with groups of 12 or more staff to train. The course date and location will be agreed with each group, sessions must take place by the end of March 2017. FURTHER DETAILS - Lynsey Thompson, NEA: Tel: (0191) 2615677 / E-mail:
Next ALEO East Midlands April 2017 ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Next ALEO East Midlands April 2017 Possible Dates:- Wednesday 5th April, Thursday 6th April Wednesday 26th April, Thursday 27th April Sponsor ? Venue? Speakers?
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Thank you Contact Details:- Karen Lond – Chair ALEO East Midlands Energy & Climate Change Officer 01427 676618 West Lindsey District Council, Guildhall, Marshall’s Yard Gainsborough, DN21 2NA